
The Leap into Light

  To take a large leap and reach, Here at the top I rest a new. Thinking about all the thoughts that got me to this view.  Yet fresh is due, for the song singing you.  Into the reaching of the skies intending to fly, Knowing flowing time willingly bring the signs. Grateful for all mind being one. Opening up heavens thighs for here comes the sun.  To take a leap, and reach inside, I stand at the top, the wind is my guide. A vision stretching, a thought renewing, Enjoying all the steps that brought this view. Yet fresh is due, a song be you, A rhythm carrying and artful tune. I reach touching the skies, persisting kissing I fly, A nurturing force lifting me high. For time flows forward, singing align, A perfect moment, a spark in mind. Grateful, fully knowing all is one, Heavens part—here comes the sun.

The Birth of a Vision

  Here in my minds eye do you see the view. Let me paint, you picture the sight about I.  Where you see me watering the seed,  For its birth in time for the new year proceeds.  Eight months preparing tilling being present.  How willing December here impressing matter, Cajoling pictures to arrange scenes expressing my theme. Grateful for the ideal bodies in attraction,  Formed by spirit to mine appreciation and my satisfaction . Here in my minds eye, do you see the view? Let me paint— picturing bringing forth the sight, Hear these thoughts carry my whispers to the wind, Where dawn prepares the coming light. I water the seed, tinder, spark, For time will birth what thought perceives. Eight months turning, tilling, willing you through, A harvest rich, my soul conceives. December sings in matters dance, Cajoling form to shake the plants. Arranging scenes of my success, A theme of love, a willed willing winning race. Grateful I stand, the bodies dra...

Clouds Like Pillows

  May these words impress the air, For my picture dream thinking before eyes appear.  Here I rest and dwell, Enjoying one of my many mansions. I saw myself seeing me, living high above the sea. Touching the tip of the trees my toes, As I run upon the clouds bouncing like on pillows.  What an image conjuring mind brings in view,  Me successful lee, loving you.  May these words dance upon the air, A tickling thought, a visioning here. A mansion grand, a view so wide, Where dreams in love provide. I see myself in golden hue, Living high, the promise true. My picturing dream, you being free, Success full light loving me. Bouncing softly upon the clouds, Art Baby Blue, happy and proud.

Knocking Upon Light

  I knock upon the heavens,  Looking for a word to light the day.  To reveal upon me your magicinal say, That will bring forth a treasure opening the way. To allow God to love me He may. As I do appreciate Him in all my plays. The right ideas come unto me to see and please. For this is my dreams acting hear as a thought, Thinking from an assumption unties all knots. I knock upon heavens gate,   Seeking words to bend my fate.   A spark, a whisper, a guiding ray,   A treasure formed to light the way.   God, in love, bestows His grace,   Illuminating each step, each place.   Every thought I cast to see,   Brings the world unfolding free.   For dreams are scripts, acts in play,   Flowing forth as times array.   An assumption breathes, unties, refines,   Unlocking, opening doors to fulfill my mind. 

Vision in Bloom

  Here I go thinking beautifully perfecting in style. Catching you preparing to listen a little closer now.  To your joy of going beyond the sea, To where your imagination pops up to be.  From hear the picture showing two girls loving me, Oh how artfully art baby blue being free.  Commanding I call Standing tall  For all mind is pretty to thee.  Here I go, weaving thought in two style, Perfecting the rhythm, mile by vowel. Catching your ear, a kissing, a sound, A melody rising, lifting fucking I ground. Beyond the sea where dreams coming you, Imagination sparks, painting light. My visioning appears, so playfully true, Two stars aligned, loving me, you. Oh, how artfully free I believe is seeing, Art Baby Blue, Gods gift being view. Commanding presence, standing tall, For mind’s great job, I answer all. To every note, to every rhyme, I plant my seeds birthing space into time, For trees growing into birds fore knowing the winds chime.

Crest of the Heir

  Breathing in the wind, my kingdom unfolds, Gold in the air, legacy foretold. Feeling the rhythm vibrating thought,  Beating the pulse tickling the sea, Frequency high all gifting lovingly me. Inheaving creation, exheaving perplexion, Mastering moments, shaping perfection. Hearing whisper your fortune, you a currency heir, Flowing in streams, sowing prepare. Here is the seed, planted in mind, Rooted in fire, sparking in kind. Let it stretch, let it rise, Touching, kissing thy heavens eyes,  Claiming dominating stimulating my skies. Breathing the wind, my kingdom ascends, Gold-laced clouds where fortune extends. Legacy written in currency told, Each word a pillar, each breath earning bold. Rhythms resounding creating new salt, Tickling tides seeing my visions picturing thought. Frequency high, the crown aligns, Lovereign in light, blessing mind. Inheaving creation, sculpting the air, Exheaving illusion, perfecting the rare. Mastering time, bending th...

To The Planets in a line: The Heirs Path

  The wind carries me, Successfully fulfilling the heir.  Believing is seeing me drive exotic cars, Steer fancy boats, fly and be flown upon fastest safest travel. To conceive the conception instilling inception.  I pray all the planets who align today to thee,  The sign showing proceeding celebrating me. Everywhere I go and am seen in the world,  My aura being dominating loving spirit, Prepares the air, Wherefore the ideal opportunities, people, businesses, technologies, And women attract to I.  Enjoyingly from these words eloquently present, Brought from the sky to thy. The wind carries me, a spark to light, Golden trails in the sky burning bright. Success unfolds like its my mind, Steering the world, every signal a sign. Exotic wheels upon the ground, Gliding over waters profound. Flight above, faster than sight, Heaven aligns to bless my might. Planets turning, cheering, whispering there, Celebration ringing in every sphere, Aura radiant, dra...

Perfection Wills: The Living Thought

  To create is evolving always moving.  Being calm present easing myself of love and life. Yes I think my pictures may be out there, Yet where else do you want to be.  To bring a scene is beyond the dream, It's my living breath breathing, Learning becoming skin again, From my words thought thinking. Beyond amaze looking forward following Gods ways. For His plan coming true, Where eyes see me ideally as my perfection wills you.  To create is to evolve, ever-flowing, A river of mind where the winds keep going. Calm and present, I ease in grace, Life and love shaping space. If my pictures seem beyond the sky, Where else would I rather fly? For every scene is not just dream, Yet breath in form, alive and seen. Skin again, reborn through thought, A vision God’s own hands he wrought. Following light, forward I move, Perfecting truth, the path I prove.

Seed of Me

  I must keep my reasoning for presenting words, Prepare, lead, dominate all ways.  Yet for pictures my perpetual fruit. Each one induces me into thought, Allowing the powers that be,  Revealing being ideally lovingly me. To affirm the abundance above and of the earth, I raise my hands in the sky thanking God for my birth.  For the seed of me, he planted I breathe. I let go of my reasoning for presenting words, Preparing, leading, dominating all ways is my do. Yet for pictures painted before eyes my perpetual fruit, Each one seduces me into thought, Allowing the powers to gather to be, Revealing being ideally lovingly me. Yes I affirm the abundance above and of the earth, Raising my hands blessing the sky, thanking God for my birth. For the seed who is me, enjoying his planting—I am.

Consciously Art Baby Blue

  I became conscious of being great,  I am still conscious of being great.  And I shall continue to be conscious of being great,  Until that which I am conscious of being is perfectly expressed.  Stars come shine to broad cast heavens light. Burning bright me in the center on point right.  Win is the song singing to ear, Whispering victoriously here. To be conscious of being, and creating great beautifully. For becoming great, I am dominating  sub consciously you . All to bring forth the great Art Baby Blue.  I became conscious of being great, I am still conscious of being great. And I shall continue to be conscious of being great, Until that which I am conscious of being is perfectly expressed. Stars come shine to broadcast heaven’s light, Burning bright, me in the center, on point, right. Wining won is the song singing to ear, Whispering victoriously yelling here. To be conscious of being, creating great beautifully, For becoming great...