
Showing posts from January, 2013


Faith. The impossible possibility. Where is your thought on the ideal of faith. Lazily sitting brings aches and pains is that faith. Hearing a well placed song and word is that faith. Faith breeds optimism, seeds of hope. Hope:Faith. I am happy to have the most amazing family wife kids, brothers, nieces, nephews parents. I am so proud for our community that my many years of ideal thought and theory would deliver a systematic culture of flowing water particles. To the many building and structures that stand on precious land, wearing selfish monikers to me and my loved ones. to the monumental income buildings that have become mere trophy and monopolistic game theory.


Push. Like a bullet speeding through air, one directional. Push. The universal laws of attraction, fear, hesitancy go. Hold true to you and let go. Direction. No direction is the direction. Your family is with you. Together focused on living the best life beyond imagination. Sacrifices of ones principles is not an option. Words of action are one. What can you see. What can you allow yourself to be.