
Showing posts from January, 2014

1-27-14 Gym day celebrated. thank you.

Imagine going to the gym, la fitness, to have an amazing workout on your legs. 100 shots distributed at 5 locations. During the work out, during a concentrated focused breathe, the wind brings by two birds that want to catch your eye and make it known. A conversation ensues first one than the other, end short time two numbers and a dates are scheduled. One for the later that evening. As the work out continues easy flirting continues as you turn to leave. The wildest thing occurs as you get a phone call for a project that you completed of the past bringing forth income and appreciated opportunity. As the day continues my new gym friend has one and together we celebrate.

Whatsoever things ye desire

If Plato could have witnessed the pictures executed by the sun with the assistance of the photographer, or a hundred similar illustrations of what man does by induction, he would perhaps have been reminded of the intellectual midwifery of his master and, in his own mind might have arisen the vision of a land where all manual, mechanical labor and repetition is assigned to the power of nature, where our wants are satisfied by purely mental operations set in motion by the will, and where the supply is created by the demand. However distant that land may appear, induction has taught men to make strides toward it and has surrounded him with benefits which are, at the same time, rewards for past fidelity and incentives for more assiduous devotion. It is also an aid in concentrating and strengthening our faculties for the remaining part, giving unerring solution for individual as well as universal problems, by the mere operations of mind in the purest form. Here we find a method, the s...

growth and evolution

The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions, environment, and experiences in life, corresponding with your habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude Knowledge gaining and consequent power is what determines growth and evolution. A vivid thought brings the power to paint it; and in proportion to the depth of its source is the force of its projection.

To Sacrifice, the Ultimate Sacrifice

Dear Penn State, A fan is a fan and I love my State. I wander when a man decides to do a thing yet ideally does so perfectly as one can dream and imagine. The means of such ideals questions the story book of Joe Paterno. Jo Pa the one and strategic. The builder of ideals of men in character. The ending is the question. Yes the ending. Why such an experience for such a strategic builder of ideals. Idols must fall for new Idols to rise. I shall think Joe Paterno was offering the world his pureness with some of his flaws yet realize he did witness. JB - State Ideal

Gravity and Water

"the specific gravity of any substance is the weight of any volume of it, compared with an equal volume of water" Look To This Day For it is Life, the very Life of Life. In Its brief course lie all the Verities and Realities of your existence; The Bliss of Growth; The Glory of Action; The Splendor of Beauty; For Yesterday is a Dream, And tomorrow is a Vision: Yet Today well lived makes every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness, and Every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope. Look well, therefore, to This Day! From the Sanskrit

The Establishment of Equilibrium between constitution and conditions

The Establishment of Equilibrium between constitution and conditions. Constitution             A  constitution  is a set of fundamental principles established precedents to which a  state  is governed. Equilibrium             Balance Condition             A condition from  Latin   conditiō , noun of action from perfect passive participle  conditus . The constitution established adheres to the moral idealism of the whole yet one condition.  J. B.

Mind. Wind.

Wind. What. What. Wind. There is a force communicating presently. Wind what is. What wind breathe clarity unto. Wind what clarity into. What wind breathe Sun. Wind Sun breathe what. What wind Mind breathe. Wind Mind breathe what. There is a force inherent into. Wind Wind Sun breathe unto. Mind.

Breathe Wind.

Wind Breathe. Breathe Wind. Wind Breathe. There is an in out certainly yet the length is the variable. The directed breathe will produce wind unto into directed thought. Breathe Win. Win Breathe. There is an in out persistently yet the length is the variable. The directed breathe win will produce wind into unto breathed thought. Wind Breathe Be. Be Breathe Wind. In out force 3 to 4 seconds depending on concentration. Wind breathe ideal adventurous wins of family, love, joy, and ambitious revolutionistic corpuscles ever more for all breathe wind eyes ears.

The Understanding of Concentration

The Understanding and Training of Concentration. A noteworthy title for book subject to exemplify the value of an ideal. Free resisting allowing the impetus to be present gravitational uniformly, appreciably, cooperatively.

B.B. Fantastical View

B.B. Fantastical View First BB Coffee shop operating with Garage . Location Queen St and Tyler Run Rd. 12 4 x 4 tables in the formation of the half moon. A 15 ft coffee bar with 7 stools. 2 Waitresses 2 Baristas 2 Bussers/dishwashers 1 manager 1 assistant manager 13 BB operating bringing guests to and from B. 1 Logistics Manager 1 Concierge 2 Valets Car Operation 7800/day = 54600 wk Coffee Operation pour 400 cups a day 800 = 5600 week BB is a hit and it has become a staple of the commonwealth. Hunt Valley location opening June 2015.

The Character of I

The Character of I. The character of I is a unique conception. To understand the in depth meaning brings eye to I. To appreciate I to emit a rush light forward as a sun ray would mean God I and eye behold. The passionate cause of the impression of I. As detailed as the first Architect be I as hold to right and true of mind through life. J.B.

A Year to the Day.

A year to the day since my last entry, fate. An eventful year which has brought to being a contributor to the York Globe. False idols aside, great men they always were yet one's mind requires watering and nutrients. What say I yet thank you to Ted Turner, Richard Branson, Rupert Murdoch who have shown a way for I, as I hope to proceed to others. My contribution to the York Globe is filled with hope, wisdom, and ideal thought for the society that I belong to whole kindheartedly. J. B