
Showing posts from 2021

Mom Dad Earth I breathe

 for my Father Mother who came together for producing I for being victorious sea man coming born womb for the nature mother who bore nurtured lovingly me for you Mom Dad Earth I breathe for cause effect is picture perfect family memory

commence being

 Feeling a lot closer God I inside out is my way for being with him closing eyes wondering picturing scenes all imagining commence being for acting world stage

out shine sine

 Learning tuning luna speaker phone universe galactical two being easy about living life choosing words fire for inspiring wind flowing ether picture picture coming in mine out shine sine three globes space

cosmic thinking

  for having such a wonderful view cosmic thinking wondering above clouds forming nebulous theoretical you  I blessing atoms molecules gases ether wind blowing molding lovingly good seeds fruit me could eye wander inwardly philosophically presentingly putting forth natural law per mental mind  hey baby those clouds are mine imaginary illusioning sine 13 Good Love cannabis unfolding growing vine for seeding earth line

rose grass

what worlds are available for me closing eyes creating picture out  being thankful for thought thinking mine knowing patience is space time a worldly matter for words attract kind lovingly planting profitable producing seeds growing high sky like tree rose grass me

Investing Good return

Investing Good return   I know that nothing yet good can go from me and nothing yet good can return. It is my in word belief that everything I touch every person I think of should be blessed and helped. There's my affirmative prayer which I completely accept that even as I pass people in the street some silent influence of good should reach from me to them. 

assembling line

 I see you walking forwards for me confident fine loving kind beautiful mine ideally sine did you hear my question about your smile and how your eyes light thy sky yet I be I saying for enjoying ideas pretty you I congratulate mind for forming appealing pictures out looking scene hey you imagining mining minerals chemicals elemental atoms  assembling line tribe vine branching ascendingly up you  

thighs smiles

  my minds eye fixating upon firefly her wings thighs smiles brings wows mental energy mine focusing concentrating for a view enjoyingly lovingly me pretty you 

annihilate every physical obstacle

  gravity, Newton, in order to render possible the action of attraction in space, had, so to speak, to annihilate every physical obstacle capable of impeding its free action; ether among others, though he had more than a presentiment of its existence. Advocating the corpuscular theory, he made an absolute vacuum between the heavenly bodies. . . . Whatever may have been his suspicions and inner convictions about Ether When read in a fair and unprejudiced spirit, Sir Isaac Newton's works are an ever ready witness to show how he must have hesitated between gravitation and attraction, impulse and some other unknown cause to explain the regular course of the planetary motion. How modern Science abused the privilege of building its newest theories upon the law of gravitation, may be realised when one remembers how profoundly religious was that great man.

Offspring of Heaven

  Let reminding the reader that, without the smallest shadow of superstition, one may believe in the dual nature of every object on Earth -- in the spiritual and the material, the visible and the invisible nature, and that science virtually proves this. For if, as Sir William Grove has it, the electricity we handle is yet the result of ordinary matter affected by something invisible, the "ultimate generating power" of every Force, the "one omnipresent influence," then it only becomes natural that one should believe as the ancients did; namely, that every Element is dual in its nature. "ETHEREAL fire is the emanation of the KABIR proper; the aerial is the union (correlation) of the former with terrestrial fire, and its guidance and application on our earthly plane belongs to a Kabir of a lesser dignity" -- an Elemental, perhaps, as an Occultist would call it; and the same may be said of every Cosmic Element. ". . . . . Offspring of Heaven, first-born, ...

an Atom

Life Adventures Atom  Science limits Knowledge  "the mineral kingdom will no more create the vegetable . . . than the Earth was able to create man from the ape, till it received an impulse."   "Then steps on the stage of creation the spirit** (of the Earth so-called, or the Soul, Psyche, which St. James calls 'lovilish') the lower portion the Anima Mundi or Astral Light. With the Nazarenes and the Gnostics this Spirit breathes living


  The great Magic agent is the fourth emanation of the life principle (we say -- it is the first in the inner, and the second in the outer (our) Universe), of which the Sun is the third form . . . for the day-star (the sun) is only the reflection and material shadow of the Central Sun of truth, which illuminates the intellectual (invisible) world of Spirit and which itself is yet a gleam borrowed from the ABSOLUTE "It is through and from the radiations of the seven bodies of the seven orders of Dhyanis, that the seven create quantities (Elements), whose motion and harmonious Union produce the manifested Universe of Matter, are born . THIS IS THY PRESENT WHEEL -- SAID THE FLAME TO THE SPARK. THOU ART MYSELF, MY IMAGE AND MY SHADOW. I HAVE CLOTHED MYSELF IN THEE, AND THOU ART MY VAHAN (vehicle) TO THE DAY, "BE WITH US," WHEN THOU SHALT RE-BECOME MYSELF AND OTHERS, THYSELF AND ME (a), THEN THE BUILDERS, HAVING DONNED THEIR FIRST CLOTHING, DESCEND ON RADIANT EARTH, AND REIGN...

De minimis non curat lex

Gently to hear, kindly to judge Shakespeare De minimis non curat lex  :  the principle that the law is not concerned with insignificant or minor matters. Omnis enim per se divom natura necesse est Immortali aevo summa cum pace fruatur For every one that is immortal by the life in the deepest peace, it is necessary that he may enjoy the very nature of divinity, of our affairs, from the Ranking as, sejunctaque at a distance: Free of all sorrow, free of peril, she lives in mighty by its own resources as well, and need nothing from us, Nor does he well merits, was taken prisoner, nor is touched What is it that ever is?" "Space, the eternal Anupadaka."* "What is it that ever was?" "The Germ in the Root." "What is it that is ever coming and going?" "The Great Breath." "Then, there are three Eternals?" "No, the three are one. That which ever is is one, that which ever was is one, that which is ever being and becoming is als...

weeds grow

seeds never tire growing  weeds grow named without knowing taking heed living loving life you weaving like blade grass itself I love for its great come up  

Creation Faith by Neville Goddard

  Creation Faith by Neville Goddard May 20,1968  The mystery of creation is to be understood in terms of faith, so what is faith? It is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen with the mortal eye. Through faith we understand that the world was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was made out of things which do not appear. “Many suppose that before creation, all was solitude and chaos. That is the most pernicious idea that can enter the mind of man, for it robs the Bible of all sublimity and the nature of the man who entertains that idea a little grubbing worm outside of himself. Eternity exists and all things in eternity, independent of creation which was an act of mercy.” (William Blake) All things exist, and the mystery of their creation must be understood in terms of faith.  faith does not give reality to that which is unseen. Faith is loyalty to the unseen reality! Only in this sense can the meaning of faith be understood. If ...

Believe It In – Neville Goddard

  Believe It In – Neville Goddard Neville Goddard – October 6, 1969 The objective reality of this world is solely produced by the human imagination, in which all things exist. Tonight I hope to show you how to subjectively appropriate that which already exists in you, and turn it into an objective fact. Your life is nothing more than the out picturing of your imaginal activity, for your imagination fulfills itself in what your life becomes. The last year that Robert Frost was with us, he was interviewed by Life Magazine and said: “Our founding fathers did not believe in the future, they believed it in.” This is true. Having broken with England, our founding fathers could have established their own royalty here by making one of them the king, thereby perpetuating a royal family. They could have chosen a form of dictatorship, yet they agreed to imagine a form of government that had not been tried since the days of the Greeks. Democracy is the most difficult form of government in the ...

Neville Goddard - CHRIST UNVEILED

  Neville Goddard 3-15-1963 CHRIST UNVEILED Tonight’s subject is “Christ Unveiled.” That is quite a tall order, for we are told in Mark 13:21: “If anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is Christ!’ or ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it.” And I will endorse that one hundred percent. Listen to it carefully and see the pronoun used in that sentence. “Here he is, believe him not.” So, here, who is Christ? What is Christ? Where is Christ? Paul found him and, having found him, he said: “From now on we regard no one from a human point of view even though we once regarded Christ from a human point of view, we regard him thus no longer.” (1 Cor. 5:16) He regards him not, from now on, as man. He thought he was man and went out to destroy those who believed in Christ as a man. Then we are told in I Peter 1:10,11: “The prophets who prophesied of the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired about this salvation; they inquired what person or time was indicated by the Spirit of Christ within...