
Showing posts from January, 2021

emerging lovingly

  for my current present imaginal acting amongst sea pretty playmates for thy beholding embracing orgy imaging picturing imagining be mine    creating viewing tasting pleasure receiving mind being kind  visioning showing actors emerging lovingly _____ walking around reveal my actors if I am all mind claiming matter scene pupil view   engaging flirting enjoying character actresses imaging scene formulating beautiful bridging present day for securing imagination right

attracting creating

 for these ideas I offer for free bringing forth joyful seeds love hugs vibrating chords singing beautifully pretty eyes thick thighs oh my for word free imagining constructing lovely attracting creating being reeling

bringing forth lucid dream

I see girl enjoying viewing mind picturing eyes coming alive when I visualize you hear clearly mentally seeing being reel forming atoms molecules combine bringing forth lucid dream songs singing art baby blue I love you

spread high hips

a thought an act a play how could you react today for you I provide an idea please consider this scene pretty eyes lips spread high hips picture view enjoying you entering mine feeling kind taking strike stoking thine catching wave wiggling screaming joy ahoy creaming full filling dreams a boy Sun shines inside heart thinking you in play in act in thought

mining soul

throwing sand for mind playing catch wind blowing back every sand becoming gem reflecting beaming shining blinking eye kissing sky atoms particles lightning light blessing lands upon reading sea lore happiness residing dwelling mining soul  love loving flaming fire you

en lightning Sun

I challenging psalm be bringing forth singing full filling words ideally magical planting seeding imagining one mastering strings  softly strumming ringing bursting banging playing my hearts sparking I love you for grabbing en lightning Sun smiling shining me

channelling radio

 a perfect vacuum what idea is calling  hear I am answering could channeling radio transmitters be clear I near leaven heighten mine for thinking meditating creating communicating sphere gas water fire air singing  I love you being free

fire firing love

  willing will full filling for me dreams present bringing idea Aladdin mining genie faithful is I attentioning seeding nurturing watering view being certain you knew precious you loving smiling beautiful waving  revealing revelating mastering  water art fire firing love I will 

thinking thought sparking you

Leal sparking summers play my thoughtful hand scribing way for I dance sing kissing scenes tilling beautiful hands brushing wings if thought is life thinking living strength breathing and the want for thought is creation creating ember then am I a happy thinking thought sparking you

prettily me nigga

  for that precious nigga inside you could I thank you me I didn't know you at first the idea loving you was just mental mine yet your soul I herd nigger be niggering view who the fuck are you not me for mind all words I create constructively planting soil lovingly  prettily me nigga see be you

rising flying starway heaven

for all these ideas inside mind calling for freedom succeeding God show them all your glory for gardens flowers patches grass flock sheep all ideas be yours could I ask claiming ideally mine for tickling you present viewing standing smiling me loving you flying rising starway seeding heaven

mastering calling l love

musical verbal object fresh format for canons ongoing journey into hands bursting heart singing will willing enjoying magic light all inheriting fire cybernetic interpreting past future man picturing eyes creating Constructor viewing seeing flowing engineering powers nature hands mine magnetic magnitude gravitating ideal hearing loving attracting  mastering calling I love being light

present view who am I

   revealing eyes curious as king Creator God seeing electric spark current building character thinking all synchronicities enjoying mentally  for imagining being mind thank you joy yet what is being concealing was present view who am I for you 

sparking in heart

could a spark inside my heart  bring pretty eyes smiling I ask questioning mind for each beat beats a new sparking in heart be you

dreaming alina view

  for mind time bringing align recalling you a pretty you wanting I to unchaste thy why did I not bring glee to those pretty eyes heart I ask you Great Creator for thy for her for me inside my heart mindful you being young beautiful I trust faithfully for heir I am happy being thinking dreaming Alina view prayful grateful hopefull for you are too and each past yet present way God keeps creating pleasing easing water current electric rising pure love for you

starry l me

plot mind plotting mine being kind creating strong forda loving man's character is his faith create forza being sign choosing pretty eyes starry I me

dancing by night

 dancing by night between two pretty girls enjoying creating viewing making scene just the three of us for play what could be the plot tension naught if words could be pictures  thank you for speaking are characters living grow into view you

continuing threading revelation

creating creator create something new beautiful accomplishing intellect be you playing instinct acting love creative minding gravitating ideal idea figures loving potent fertile verile dancing musing inner flame flaming floetry watering for events living happening sequence time significance viewing present wording finding their enjoying own order continuing threading revelation illumination inspiring electric waving illuminating sparking drip drop dripping love you  

verbing pearl rising

Man is asking making creating idea self could I be fulfilling for Creator you seeing eye out side me flying high view am I who you meant me be a story being mind scribing present blooming flourishing enjoying thinking presenting words for soul seeding Earth be certain I grow if an idea be anything and praying matters to you you put this idea in me will you release me for you to be for all I believe God verbing pearl rising Rose heroically art baby blue lovely

gently ponder a wake

  for you I bring my heart being bold loving water steaming singing thinking how God creating me gently ponder a wake visioning viewing riding gliding waving winding inside smiling  

Prometheus living cresting 🔥

living cresting 🔥 firey gas combusting Jupiter bringing Prometheus spark making creating lightning fire showing feeling loving vine imaging being cool yet pupil mind experience thy imaginating mental water flowing fluidly for me

patience being kind

catching glee forming smile wandering how many teeth for me moving waters flow along inside mind yet who do I see ringing bringing tones ears push not doors open says me what could I find come here patience being kind allowing time space

sparking eyes loving you 🌹

 for pretty rose eyes glancing catching glee who be you for you for me could we see present viewing seeing smiling face knewing sensing lighting sky for I imagine visioning dream being true each word current honking squawking for you scribing scripting acting living thinking live fire spire ember sparking eyes loving you breathing boldly mentally milling molding mining creating moment be hearing drip drop rain bouncing hue singing trio creole

accord a chord

for you pretty  be you  new idea fresh start what see beautiful eyes see loving you a cord accord a chord