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A thought a new.

A thought a new. Where do I start. Where do I end. In mind is where everything begins and ends. I have sought the path of truth and discovered the soul of man is the host to God for knowing that one becomes free of all illusions. As one enters there world, being taught how to BE begins before birth as the seed in the woman's belly, your world begins to form per the Mother and her essence. Once born, the new child is taught per their surroundings yet when do they begin to know their mind? At my present age, the answer is when one begins to ask their mind the truth. As daily survival is the first, last, and end all be all for so many. Yet once the individual begins to ask themselves, not the world, the idea of survival diminishes and the understanding of one's mind becomes the world. And once they begin to understand, they focus more on learning and steering their mind, as ones mind has created everything in the physical world first through imagination. As I consider my ...

What is the character of a man (James Anthony Gore).

What is the character of a man (James Anthony Gore). Is it the books he reads? His friends and acquaintances? His parents and family? His experiences in and of the world? What exactly is the ingredients of the man's character? One could begin with the aforementioned questions or ponder new inviting thoughts upon the subject yet the questions are parts in matter. To be, to know thyself has been preached from yesteryear and still bears fruit. Yet more and more questions come to mind for fulfillment.  As a man, deemed a character of a sort, I act. By my act, does that portray my character. Possibly if held consistent for a time and moment. Yet what character in acting is I the matter which is subject to ridicule, defamation, and slander in perception of my character. When I look into the mirror, I smile loving at the man in the mirror for when I look into the man's eyes I see love upon the earth. When I lay down to sleep, I rest easily, comfortably and dreamily. Does those ideas...

The Economic Cost of Man's Action

Action is an attempt to substitute a more satisfactory state of affairs for a less satisfactory one. We call such a willfully induced alteration an exchange. A less desirable condition is bartered for a more desirable. What gratifies less is abandoned in order to attain something that pleases more. That which is abandoned is called the price paid for the attainment of the end sought. The value of the price paid is called costs. Costs are equal to the value attached to the satisfaction which one must forego in order to attain the end aimed at. The difference between the value of the price paid (the costs incurred) and that of the goal attained is called gain or profit or net yield. Profit in this primary sense is purely subjective, it is an increase in the acting man's happiness, it is a psychical phenomenon that can be neither measured nor weighed.  There is a more and a less in the removal of uneasiness felt; yet how much one satisfaction surpasses another one can only be felt; ...

In honor of MLK

We are right because we are the spokesmen of the rising class. Discursive reasoning cannot invalidate our teachings, for they are inspired by the supreme pourer that determines the destiny of mankind. Our adversaries are wrong because they lack the intuition that guides our minds. It is, of course, not their fault that on account of their class affiliation they are not equipped with the genuine logic and are blinded by man-ideologies. The unfathomable decrees of history that have elected us have doomed them. The future is ours. The prestige of these ideas was so great that those whose selfish class interests they hurt could not hinder their endorsement by public opinion and their realization by legislative measures. It is ideas that make history, and not history that makes ideas.