What is the character of a man (James Anthony Gore).

What is the character of a man (James Anthony Gore). Is it the books he reads? His friends and acquaintances? His parents and family? His experiences in and of the world? What exactly is the ingredients of the man's character? One could begin with the aforementioned questions or ponder new inviting thoughts upon the subject yet the questions are parts in matter. To be, to know thyself has been preached from yesteryear and still bears fruit. Yet more and more questions come to mind for fulfillment.

 As a man, deemed a character of a sort, I act. By my act, does that portray my character. Possibly if held consistent for a time and moment. Yet what character in acting is I the matter which is subject to ridicule, defamation, and slander in perception of my character. When I look into the mirror, I smile loving at the man in the mirror for when I look into the man's eyes I see love upon the earth. When I lay down to sleep, I rest easily, comfortably and dreamily. Does those ideas matter in determining or understanding character.

 Let's take a closer look at the term CHARACTER in prose development:

 1.the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.

 2.one such feature or trait; characteristic.

 3.moral or ethical quality: a man of fine, honorable character.

 4.qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity: It takes character to face up to a bully.

 5.reputation: a stain on one's character.

 6.good repute.

 7.an account of the qualities or peculiarities of a person or thing.

 8.a person, especially with reference to behavior or personality

 9.Informal. an odd, eccentric, or unusual person.

 10.a person represented in a drama, story, etc.

 11.a part or role, as in a play or film.

 12.Theater.(of a part or role) representing a personality type, especially by emphasizing distinctive traits, as language, mannerisms, physical makeup, etc.(of an actor or actress) acting or specializing in such roles.

 13.in character, in harmony with one's personal character or disposition: Such behavior is not in character for him. in accordance with the role or personality assumed in a performance: an actor in character.

 14.out of character, out of harmony with one's personal character or disposition: The reporters remarks were out of character; away from the role or personality assumed in a performance: The actor stepped out of character for the news article.

 By the content of James Anthony Gore is Character, individuality, personality refer to the sum of the characteristics possessed by a person. Character refers especially to moral qualities, ethical standards, principles, and the like: a man of sterling character. Individuality refers to the distinctive qualities that make one recognizable as a person differentiated from others: a man of strong individuality. Personality refers particularly to the combination of outer and inner characteristics that determine the impression that a person makes upon others: a man of vivid or pleasing personality. To understand See reputation.



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