
Showing posts from December, 2020

science philosophic glue

  Pupil me viewing pearl blackbird opening eye mental view I being you thinking natural seeing guiding lighting journey thank fully I feeling feathers outstretching back being rounding looking up flying watching me flowing watery loving saturnian lava all idea be great age science philosophic glue for me heroic words be you

light flying feathers

   victory thinking mind present creating water wiggling woo jupiter saturn size ideaing viewing conjoining calming enjoying silent saturating scintillating hue singing bouncing dancing feet light flying feathers heir me free lovely

Clawing scratching shallow wind

o surely rolling ocean rolls noiselessly resembling bird flying thinking settling yet never nesting wings spreading loving air clawing scratching shallow wind sounding water washing way generation bird persisting beyond thought by water wash over flow forward thank you bird never settle generating follow universal instinct ocean falling rising howling gore being geography living life for land live purpose be EL scholarly acting pouring forth fine wine personality mentally feeling knowing everything mind

all thy world fertile

flowers fragrance flares all thy world fertile available sirable sex organs oozing nectaring smelling minding surviving way fertility vigoring life loving force optimum expectancy passionate bloomings youth inhale ardent aroma forming matter   ascending young nubile world aflaming fire singing

sea end ahoy a joy

dead lie down for I standing o captain my captain our heartful trip done complete thy ship weathering every wave prize winning fete inside a head adventuring through held firm viewing landing line shore sea end ahoy a joy thinking mind singing pretty dimes dames Bleus art baby blue loving you

I ask you

 for me mind being truly you alone you sit wondering no other idea breathing near you I ask mother earth God brother Jesus how can this be for me all words love for you me a lone lion praying for  for for I ask you 

watering striders who is near where are you

for those who communicate left ear who is near where are you how long you hearing view closer thinking me mentally preparing see unveiling masking eye creating heightening mind alphaing lion taking part earthing hue planting seeding day walking pathing together bringing perfect currents loving me you

allowing invisible guidance come

full awake day dreaming alpha state be you relaxing mind body picture perfect view allowing invisible guidance come humble be not please I ask for you what ideas will open up in side  branching out meant for me closing eyes picturing sights seas seeds grow showing mine right

freedom waving singing wind

 gravity are you pulling for me or are you holding me position place slave birds bees ducks eagles fly invisible lines why gravity do you love me more for locking feet ground closing eyes imagine I flying taking sky  gravity mind knows your language teach thy visually mentally seeing rising idea floating   gravity release set me free for me bee eagle see

seeking searching floating free

 sands for mind turn dust time into rings Saturn round mountain abounding space  seeking searching floating free tethering mine grasping for you shards glass shaping fine wine be spec tacular each moment for accounting life

a wake for a big loving wave

all ideas being true come loving me for asking claiming be you thinking idea water pure a wake for a big loving wave resting eyes looking sky  vessels clouds picture view sight be yours for new shores

a dream about a balloon

a wake in me is light balloon floating by so bright you be stopping thy to capture you I see you glowing shining free from where does wind blow you beyond for  bouncing bye eyes

idea eye see

 knowingly look up sky mind flying winding wind boosting blowing forward  speaking land grounding lightning feet figuring imagine zooming beside for every ideal thinking idea eye see me fly you taking sky pupil view high

you beautiful me

 open up you inside smile for me like the way i do when i think love you fertile watery woo wooing you me lovingly eyes pretty you viewing seeing me for me for you for you for me hello for seas vessel be me you flattery laughing pleasing you me for you arrows aiming smiling me erecting structuring me you for rising color ideas enjoying you me could you do that thing you do in me every thought I think for you inside up me lovingly granting miracles tasteful lips you sipping me you beautiful me

loving sparkling fury

 engage mother chariot leutha guide since day thunders old time sitting beneath eternal oak trembling shook awakening root you steadfast earth  thus her speech break free  o times remote remake create imaginate love joy are amorations adorations I'm shore none impure were deem not eye less covet not thin liped envy not bristling wrath not curl wanting yet covet pour full envy fed fat lambs wrath lions gore wanting lull sleep virgins luting saturating love till covet broke his locks bars sleeping thinking open doors envy sung singing rich mans feast wrath following up down wanting you true love begetting winning race raging furious flames sire running through heaven earthling  living flames intelligently firing loving sparkling fury rounding flaming rolling for I