Take A Closer Look


Take a closer look, at my picture for you,

My collage, of several menage a trois' wearing fruit,

Before you achieve, one must conceive.

Does drinking water in imagining mind nourish the body?

Will picturing me on a mountain top high, marry me to the sky?

For letting go and being the greatest bro,

Quieting at the tip of my nose you know. 

Will agrees, to put forth your energy on the seeds you want,

By calling shouting collapsing the vacuum, quant,

Into a scene of me and you being,

As wild as a wave coming into shore.

Take a closer look at my picture of you,  

A collage of many, a menage in view,  

Bearing fruits of dreams we believe,  

For before achieving, one must conceive.

Does drinking water, imagining kind, 

Nourishing the body, the spirit,  mind?  

Will picturing me on a mountain high  

Marry my soul to become the sky?

Letting go, having the greatest flow,  

Quieting thoughts to a tip toe.  

On seeds we choose, on dreams in sight.

By calling, shouting, collapsing the light,  

Into a scene where love’s enjoyed—  

As wild as a wave to rushing the shore, to be,  

A picture of you, a vision of me.


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