Orchestrating the Dream


Could I present to you, a thoughtful song, 

For bringing you coming along. 

Practicing perfecting in wiggling into you my way, 

Creating the story for our bodies to play. 

How will you do, when you come into dream, 

Carrying forth acting your ideal scene.

Where you are positioned at the top rocking G spot.  

Perfecting my step, wiggling through,

Crafting a story where bodies move.

My rhythm from behind, a spark its time,

Shaping the stage for love to climb.

Could I present to you, a song so true,

Meant specific for the breath in you.

Bringing you forward, coming you near,

Echoing softly for I to hear. 

How will you do, when dream meets real,

When passion moves, and sensual feel?

Where you stand, on top in sight,

Rocking the spot, ruling the night.


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