Imagination Teaching

Get a projector that will show the alphabet in both english and chinese lettering. Run them for 15 minutes and then switch the english and chinese letter symbols from right to left and left to right.

example: Front get a projector that will be able to rotate the letters all over the wall, this will teach the alphabet, colors, perception, and ultimately imagination when I ask to recant the color of the alphabet in the air and have him change the colors in front of me.

English A Chinese A Spanish for 5 minutes then,
Chinese A Spanish A English A run for 5 minutes
Spanish A English A Chinese A run for 5 minutes

Also add sign language.
Rosetta Stone in all three languages

Introduce sound of all letters be pronounced at once in all different languages, then individually, then together at the end. This will teach 3 languages at once, perception, and depth.


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