Neville Goddard June 24, 1968 SIGNS FROM ABOVE The evangelists of scripture, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are anonymous names of men who wrote salvation history. They introduced characters who never walked this earth, yet whose names are significant. In the Book of John, we find the story of Nicodemus. Now, Nicodemus is not mentioned in any other part of the Bible, or in any historical records of the time; so we see Nicodemus was not introduced for some historical purpose. The word means “conqueror of the people; all victorious”. Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a very learned member of the Sanhedrin – which was the supreme council of Jews in New Testament times, having religious, civil, and criminal jurisdiction. In this case, Nicodemus desires to interpret scripture and pass judgment on his findings. Tradition has it that Nicodemus was the third richest man of his day; so we see he was not only learned, yet very, very rich. Observing all the rules of the rabbinical order, Nicodemus ...