The Way – Neville Goddard

The Way – Neville Goddard 

John 14: “I am the way and the truth and the light. No one comes unto the Father, yet by me”. Philip said to him, “Show us the Father” and Jesus says, “I have been so long with you and yet you do not know me Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father. How then can you say, Show us the Father?” So he is the Way to what?

In this passage, specifically to the Father yet he is the way to everything in this world. Good, bad or indifferent! This seems insane if you’re trained to believe that God is a creator of good only and some other being, other than God created the evil.

There is only one creator – only one God. “I kill and I make alive. I wound and I heal.” There is nothing yet God and God is your own wonderful human Imagination.

Let us now find out why then are we acting as we act in this world; let us go back to scripture, the 82nd Psalm. “And God has taken his place in the divine council, in the midst of the gods he holds judgment.” Now God speaks, “I say you are gods, sons of the most high, all of you. Nevertheless, you shall fall and die like men and fall as one man, oh princes.” Now, you think this took place in eternity and it’s not

related to us — yet it is related to us. You are the gods in the state that is fallen.

Not because you did anything that was wrong. It is for a purpose, a creative purpose. To expand beyond what we were prior to the fall. Here we fell into the limit of opacity and contraction called man, of flesh and blood. Regardless of the pigment of skin or nationality or any racial background, we are One. The word translated God is the Hebrew word “Elohim”. It is a plural word. It is translated in this passage as both God and gods. It is a compound unity — one made up of others.

One made up of all the others.

So here we are in this world in states: The rich man, the poor man, the man that is known, the man that is unknown, the man that is wise, the man that is foolish. All these are the gods. We are not rich or poor, known or unknown, wise or foolish.

These are only states, states into which we have fallen in our sleep. For we actually fell into this world made up of infinite states.

Now there is a way out of a state into another state. You can get into a state in a second. It doesn’t take time yet will you remain in that state and occupy it until it seems natural. For my home is simply that state to which I most constantly return.

That constitutes my home. A state … how would I know my state? Well, let me now think of my friends. Let them see me as they always see me. They know my limitations, my weaknesses, they know all the things about me for we have discussed it. That I desire to be seen differently in the world — first by myself — I want to transcend my limitations. So I assume that I have it — a mere assumption.

Yet does it work? Well, now let me think of my friends — let me see them in my mind’s eye. Do they see me as they formerly saw me? Or are they seeing me as I am assuming that I am? If they see me as I am assuming that I am and empathize with me, because they are friends, rejoice with me, then can I now so occupy the state that automatically I return to it long before there is anything in my world to support this claim. My senses at the moment deny it, my reason denies it yet in spite of this denial, can I still believe in Christ. Can I still believe that he is The Way to everything and he is my own wonderful human imagination? Can I believe? For we actually fell into this world made up of infinite states.

My senses at the moment deny it, my reason denies it yet in spite of this denial, can I still believe in Christ. Can I still believe that he is The Way to everything and he is my own wonderful human imagination? Can I believe? Forwe are told, whatever you desire, believe you have received it and you will.” These are the words of Christ. Christ is called the Power of God and the Wisdom of God.

Scripture takes “Wisdom” – listen to the words of the 8th of Proverbs – “And the Lord possessed me at the beginning of his way. Before his works of old I was set up as everlasting ere the earth was. When he laid out the foundation of the earth, then I was beside him like a little child. I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always. He who finds me, finds life. He who misses me, injures himself. All who hate me love death.”

He is called “the little child.” Here, wisdom is exalted and personalized as God’s companion in the creation of the word.” Here, this is scripture – well, who is this Christ? He is the little child we are told. And Christ is in man, “Know ye not that Christ is in you?” “Test yourself and see whether you are holding to the faith – do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you” and he is the little child who is God’s eternal companion in the creation of the universe.

Now, he contains within himself (so scripture teaches) and “has made known unto me the purpose of his will which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time.” So here, this child contains within himself a plan, a pattern for the fullness of time.

Now in the world of Caesar you and I, the fallen gods who came down for a purpose, can achieve any goal in this world if we know who we are and are willing to test it. Willing to dare it and accept the challenge that I can be the man that I dream of being by daring to assume, in spite of my senses denying it, that I am the man that I want to be and sleep in this assumption as though it were true. As the great Shakespeare said, “Assume a virtue if you have it not.”

Restrain tonight. It will lend a kind of easiness to the next abstinence and the next still more easy. So if I do it, believing that it be true and it proves itself in the testing, then what does it matter what the wisdom of man tells me. For this is the wisdom of Christ. Must I know the right people? That’s what men will tell me. Must I have the right educational background? That’s what men will tell me. They will give me all the reasons in the world based upon what man thinks and the wisdom of man is foolishness in the eyes of God.

So If I dare to assume what I want to be and persist in that assumption until it seems natural so that when I think of my friends that is what they see in me, what I have assumed that I am — and I act and live in this way as though it were true — well, if time brings forward the results of my assumption, then haven’t I confirmed the truth and wisdom of Christ?

Well, all that is on this level. Tonight I want to take you into the level of The Way. You have no idea of how truly wonderful you are because you are the God that fell. “You shall fall as one man, oh princes.” Together we are the God, the Lord, for the Lord is the compound unity of one made up of others. We are the gods.

Yet there is a way by which we return to that divine congregation, the congregation of God, and there is only one way; “I am the way” and the truth and the life.” Here is the true and living way. He not only points the way, for he is the pattern, he is the Way. Union with Christ is the only way to God the father. Well, how do I have union with Christ? He’s in you. When he begins to erupt within me and begins to unfold his pattern, for the pattern is in me and it begins with the first personalization of Christ, which is the little child. And everyone will have this experience.

Here in this world we are born from below and we are evil – let no one tell you we are not. The Bible teaches it. Listen to the words, “The first child of Abraham, born of a slave, Hagar. His name was Ishmael and this is the prophecy of the Lord to Ishmael – his descendants will be more numerous than you can count. Today we are 3 1/2 billion in the world. They estimate in the not distant future there will be 5 billion of us and they will go to other billions of us. These are the descendants, these fleshy bodies of Ishmael.

Now this is what is said to Ishmael, “He is a wild ass of a man. His hand shall be against every man and every man’s hand against him” and that is individual man. There isn’t a moment in time we aren’t killing each other not only in our great conflicts of war and gas chambers where we put millions in it, yet on the streets, all over the world we kill each other. Yet not only in such violence, there are more subtle ways of killing – in the economic field.

You can take a whole family and crush them and then they all starve through your individual greed to take from him the little he needs to feed his little flock and actually put him to the wall economically. It has been going on since the beginning of time. So there are multiple ways of murder in this world. It didn’t end with Abel’s murder; it is part of the wild ass of a man that we are at birth. So man is born really an evil being and he requires a new selfhood and the ancients saw it plainly by revelation.

To the entire aggregation of experimental theory and many of them believed what they saw and prophesied of Jesus. The prophecy is all in scripture, the coming of the saviour, now he doesn’t come as you were taught to believe. He is in you. He is the pattern of salvation buried in man and when he comes, everything said of him you experience and you’ll be taken back by this one way, by the way of Christ, from this world of sin and death back into the divine congregation having done the job you were sent to do. And we are all returning into that one God.

There is only one Body, one Spirit, one Lord, one God and Father of all and we go right back into that body and this time enhanced because there is no limit to translucency, no limit to expansion. There is only a limit to opacity and contraction and we have reached that limit of contraction and opacity. We now will start the expansion and the thing begins to expand in us and the Plan unfolds in us, and that is the only way by which we return to that divine congregation.

There is no other way. Diets won’t do it. Knowing the right people won’t do it. You can meditate from now ’til the ends of time – go and sit on a mattress ’til you simply turn into worms, you still can’t do it. Nothing on the outside is going to do it. You simply put all of your hope on this grace that is coming to you at the unveiling of Christ within you. Then the whole thing unveils within you and you are the same being (in the eyes of those who know you) as you were before, the same being, primitive being. And they look at you amazed that you dare to claim that you have experienced Christ because their concept of Christ is so false. Hasn’t a thing to do with Christ of scripture.

Example: 3 years ago in Barbados, we had a small dinner party, two ministers and their wives (lovely men), well known and well liked. I said I had experienced the story of Jesus Christ – that it was not a secular story at all, not a thing to do with the world of Caesar. While we walk in this world we are redeemed by the pattern unfolding in us; that Christ is the pattern man, buried in man and the pattern unfolds and you are He.

So I came to the point of David. I said to the Episcopalian that after birth of the Christ child within me, a child that I held in my own hands and expressed my feeling of tenderness towards the Christ child, then 5 months later I encountered God’s only begotten son and his name is David, David of scripture. “I will tell of the decree of the Lord: he said unto me, Thou art my son, today I have begotten thee.”

And then to illustrate to him, being an Episcopalian, I said that in 22 Mathew and 20 Luke you’ll read, “He asked those who listened to him, What think ye of the Christ? Whose son is he? And they answered, The Son of David. He said, why then did David in the spirit call him Lord? If David thus calls him Lord, then how can he be David’s son?” I said to him, David in the spirit called me “father”, and I knew that I was his father and I knew that he was my son – we both knew this relationship of father-son. The Episcopalian minister said to me that he did not call him “father”, he called him “my Lord.” I said that is an expression every child in the ancient world used concerning his or her father. So when scripture records “my Lord”, it is only telling you it is “my father”. Well, he wouldn’t go along with that. It was a nice dinner party so I didn’t press it.

Yet here, in Genesis 31:35 – Genesis is the seed; the very seed plot of the whole Bible. If you don’t know Genesis, you aren’t going to know the Bible. Here is a story. If you are not familiar with it – Jacob had two women, two sisters, Leah and Rachel. He thought that his father-in-law, Laban, was not as favourably disposed towards him now as he formerly had been and so without telling Laban what he planned to do, he hastily gathered all his possessions together (camel, goats, sheep) and his two women and took off.

When Laban found out what Jacob had done, he started off in pursuit of him and found him and accused him of stealing his household gods. He searched Jacob, his caravan, couldn’t find them. He searched Leah’s rooms and couldn’t find them. He went into Rachel’s rooms and Jacob didn’t know Rachel had taken the gods. So she took them and put them into the saddle of a camel and then sat upon the saddle. So when the father came in, he searched diligently and he couldn’t find them. She said to her father (actual quote from 31:35), “And she said to her father, let not my Lord, be angry…” Equates “father” with “my Lord”. She gives reasons why she couldn’t rise, because “I cannot rise before you for it is as it is unto women … the ways of women are upon me.” For that is a reason, for that little moment in a woman’s life that comes every month.

It is mentioned as “manner” when it comes to Sarah, “I at 90 years old could have a son? When it has long ceased to be with me after the manner of women.” She could no longer conceive yet this one could, for she was a young one, Rachel – and she is simply stating that this is that moment of the month and therefore I cannot rise before my Lord. So she is calling her father “my Lord.”

If you do not understand this seed plot you are going to miss the entire Bible. He told me, “No. He called him my Lord.” I said, “That meant my father” and explained the ancient always called the father “my Lord”. He didn’t see it because he couldn’t believe that David, who is not taught in his concept of Christianity, to be the Son of God in spite of the fact he reads it in the 2nd Psalm.

He was taught so long to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, not knowing that they are one — “I and my father are one.” He who sees me has seen the father. How then can you say, “Show us the father.” So the creative power of God can’t be separate from God. It is God! The wisdom of God can’t be torn away from God — it is God! So that is a pattern in man for man’s redemption.

So we are the gods. If you dwell upon that fact that we are the gods, everyone, even though we kill each other, yet the killing of each other is simply a grand illusion, for the gods cannot die. They seem to die yet they cannot. As the serpent said, and he was called the wisest creature that God had made, a symbol once more of Jesus Christ, “And God said to you, you would die? Yes, you will not surely die. The day you eat thereof you’ll become as the gods, knowing good and evil.”

Well, his prophecy came true. For then the gods said, Behold the man has become as we are, knowing good and evil.” So he did not lie, nor beguile. He simply prophesied a truth, which came to pass. Yet, all the wisdom of man in this world is not good enough to redeem man. A pattern had to be contained in man to redeem him. And there is no other way to God.

So you will get these arguments, surely to the Chinese, Indian, to the so and so, there must be another way other than the way you call the Christian way. No. There are the Christian Indians, Christian Chinese, etc. They are all over the world. The foundation is Judaism and Judaism the seed plot. It is the foundation while Christianity is its fulfilment.

It is not the other way around. Christ comes fulfil yet doesn’t come the way you were taught – a woman giving birth to a child. There is a woman yet not that woman who bears from below. That’s Hagar and she can only bear children into slavery. Yet there is another woman, the woman from above called “Jerusalem from above,” and she bears into liberty.

Now here is a lovely experience of a friend who is here tonight. She said, “I found myself on a horse – I’m riding. Then my mother dies. Then I take the place of my mother.” That’s the dream. May I tell her, that is an enormous leap forward – an enormous leap forward. The horse is always the symbol of the mind and you the rider to control it. It must have someone to control the mind.

If my mind isn’t controlled by me, the rider, then it goes berserk. So I am riding the horse of my mind. Now my mother dies. I was born by a woman – a woman gave me birth – this garment. So that is my mother, my physical mother in the world of Caesar. Now my mother dies and I take her place because there must be a second birth. I must be the twice-born man. Yet the second one, I’ll give birth to myself. So I have to become the mother. So my second birth is when I give birth to myself. So she has become the woman who is now capable of giving birth to herself. In that one simple little dream an enormous leap in the right direction toward this second birth.

Then these two experiences – one from three gentlemen – very humorous, “I fell asleep simply desiring to teach the Bible. So I imagined I was teaching the Bible and instructing a group. I fell into a sleep from my daydream into a real sleep and here I am teaching the Bible, explaining it and telling them how to interpret it. While I am doing this, suddenly I see this light and energy coming from my head, an enormous head [my head and face seemed twice the size].

Well, with all this energy and enormous power, even my knees seemed to be radiating energy – I thought I would now do something about it. I thought I was awake. I had been sleeping for an hour or two and thought I was a wake. So I got off my bed in my 3rd floor apartment, went downstairs and thought I’ll go and see Jan. I’m going to fly and I’ll take this energy and simply use it and fly. So when I got downstairs I said, “How stupid of me. I could have flown through the window from the 3rd floor – so I went back upstairs to the 3rd floor and I took off.

There I am flying at 10 to 15 feet above the ground on my own energy. It is dark – it’s early in the morning and I’m on my way to Jan’s. I say to myself, “I’m not getting a good view from 15 feet so I’ll simply go a little higher and I increased the altitude. Up I went for a better view and I thought to myself, supposing a cop takes a pot shot at me because they see this man flying through space, he might all of a sudden shoot me, at least try to.

Yet I said to myself, No, he can’t – he can’t see me,” So when I got to Jan’s place, I said, “No, her daughter will be home now and if I disturb her daughter, she’ll give me hell.” So I thought, “I’ll now go to Marge’s instead.” Flew off to Marge’s house. Yet arriving there I thought, Oh now suppose instead of Marge answering the door, her husband Ray answers. That would be terrible.” So I flew back home again. Went back to bed and suddenly I put my hand up and it went 18 inches above my head.

Couldn’t feel my head. Then when I could feel my head, all that strange feeling disappeared and I’m once more normal, back on the bed. “Yet, he said, I did it!” I know that there is something in me that is a power – there is a wisdom that is not known to this little thing I put to bed and wake in the morning. There is something in me now stirring and I proved it before I was fully conscious in everything I did.

Another gentleman, and he’s here tonight, “I found myself in an ancient city. I was there for the purpose of teaching everyone to fly. So I took of – no machine, and I made the most beautiful swan dive, beautiful gentle descent after taking off and came gently down on my back. Then at that moment I looked up and here stands my Jan. (His Jan is very dear to him and she happens to be his mother-in-law).

There she is dressed in a monk’s robe. She isn’t a day over 20 – perfectly beautiful – dressed in a monk’s robe. And she takes my hand in her hands and silently congratulates me on my feat. And then it suddenly is changed a bit and here is my brother Paul at my side. I do have in this world of Caesar a brother whose name is Paul. At that moment I awoke.

I was fully awake at the doing – I knew I was dreaming and I knew I was doing what I was doing. You can call it a dream within a dream, yet I knew I was dreaming exactly what I was doing when did it.

So here we are becoming aware of this power in us and use it in many ways until finally the pattern unfolds. And it comes suddenly, like a thief in the night. No one knows when Christ will erupt in man yet Christ is the pattern man, not a man who walked the earth 2000 years ago. When we fell as one man the pattern came with us or we couldn’t even breathe. This is the power within us, the wisdom within us.

And the only escape from this world of sin and death is by the way of Christ, which is the pattern man. So you will start with the birth of Christ, you will be born from above, and all that is said of him in scripture concerning that infant child wrapped in swaddling clothes, you will experience. It will be your experience, your child, your birth – that is a sign of your birth.

Then comes the discovery of the fatherhood – of God and you are the father, God, for his son calls you father. How this is the great mystery – how can you, individualized as you are – how can the sleeper, individualized as he is – be one?

Well, if your son calls me father and he is my son, then are we not one God, one father? For your David is not going to be other than the David who called me father. There is only one David. And that one David will call everyone, when it unfolds within him, “father.” You will know that you are the father and you will know scripture and God is his father, “For I will tell of the decree of the Lord. He said unto me, Thou art my son. Today I have begotten thee.”

Well, if the whole vast world of billions of us have this experience where God’s son calls him father, and he knows it as there is no uncertainty to this relationship – then are we not all one? One Father, one Body, one Spirit, one Lord, one God and Father of all. And it takes the son to reveal it – for “No one has ever seen God yet the only son who is in the bosom of the father he has made him known.”

So you can’t look at me and see the father. Only the son can tell me that I am the father – and he tells it to me in a first person, present tense experience. So you can believe me or disbelieve. That’s your privilege. Yet I do know you are going to have it and after you have had it, you’ll know the truth of my words and you will know that we are one. You and I are actually one because we have the same son. If we are the father of the same son, then we are one father. So no one has ever seen the seen the son – no one knows who the son is except the father.

And no one knows who the father is except the son and anyone to whom the son chooses to reveal him. Well, if no one knows who the son is except the father and you are going to tell me that you see him on the outside? How are you going to see him on the outside when only the father knows him? You will never see him on the outside. This drama unfolds within you. It is a divine drama – the drama of salvation, when the son comes before you and calls you father.

So here these two must come first. Then comes the splitting of the temple where you do not take the blood of another, the blood of a goat, etc. You take your own blood. You are split from top to bottom and at the base of your spine is golden, liquid light. It is the blood of God and you are it. For it was just revealed to you just four months before that you are the father of God’s only begotten son. So who now is split?

It is you and therefore it is God who is split from top to bottom. It is God’s blood and it’s your blood and you fuse with it and up you go as prophesied in scripture right into the temple of your own being.

Then the dove will descend two years and nine months later and smother you with affection. Who is the dove yet the symbol of the Holy Spirit who descends upon him and this is a completed drama. From then on your work here is finished and you only linger to tell it. Either write it out or tell it to those who will listen to it carefully. Maybe they will write it or maybe they will continue telling it. Yet you tell it while you remain for the remaining days or years. Then when you depart this time, you depart forever. You have ascended into heaven, back into that divine congregation.

So Jesus Christ does not merely point the way, He is the way. Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father and the union is simply the unfolding of the pattern in you. You can’t get any closer than that when the pattern unfolds in you, not as something on the outside yet in the first person, present tense experience. It is not happening to him, it is happening to me. And so that is union with Christ for he is the pattern. Christ is the pattern man. The whole thing unfolds within the individual and then he knows who Christ is. Then he knows the gospel; he knows scripture.

So even though an able, brilliant, intelligent man like my friend in Barbados who would stand and be blocked by that one little thing, that I said he called me father. He said, “No, he called Christ ‘my Lord and could not get over that hump, that the ancient always called the father, my Lord.

Well, chronologically speaking, wasn’t David of the ancient world? If you take it chronologically he was supposed to have lived – which he didn’t, as we understand it – 1000 BC. Here it is 2000 A.D. and here is a man who is only 63 claiming that one who lived 3000 years ago is his son. I tell you, he is my son. More so than any physical son who calls me father. He is 44, yet he is not any more my son. I am told by his mother that I sired him. I take that on faith.

Yet I have no woman in David – he has no mother. I have begotten him – he is my son – he has no mother. Unlike my physical son who has a mother and I have to go on faith that I did participate in this creation of a body. Yet that is purely on faith. In this case there is no uncertainty when he stands before you and calls you father. You have always been his father and he has always been your son. And there is no other creator in bringing him into that relationship of son to father. So there is no mother.

If you read scripture carefully, in spite of the fact the book of Ruth does give him a mother and in Chronicles. Yet Chronicles is not altogether as complete as Samuel. Samuel is the book that tells the story of David and the most scholarly of all biblical criticism, which is the Encyclopaedia Biblica, states quite openly that by tradition he had no mother.

Yet churches have inserted, throughout scripture, in spite of the warning, “do not add to the words of this book,” and they have added verse after verse simply – to build up the traditions of man. Yet these are not the revelations of God as recorded by the ancients. So when new editions come out, we delete anything that has been inserted that was not there in the original manuscripts. So you’ll find many things inserted and that is one where they gave him a mother to give it reason in the world because how can you have a man, and he doesn’t have a mother?

So to give it a secular treatment, they put a mother into the picture and David has no mother, read it carefully and you’ll find in the book of Samuel he has none. Also you find in the 2nd Psalm, “I will tell of the decree of the Lord” – he didn’t speak of any mother. “You are my son. Today I have begotten thee.” Here he is the anointed of the Lord.

So the only way to God is union with Christ. There is no other way. And whether there are 3 1/2 billion of us in the world and tomorrow 5 billion and maybe eventually 10 billion, it makes no difference. That is the fulfillment of prophesy. “I’ll give you descendants more numerous than you can number.” That is said of Ishmael and we are Ishmael – the wild ass whose hand is against every man and every man’s hand against his.

The kindest person in the world, push him hard enough and threaten someone he loves, and you’ll find he is not quite as gentle as he thought he was. He will react as an animal would react if pressed hard enough. Threaten the one he loves like a child, his wife, or her husband, and if that really is a deep affection, they will die in the attempt to protect what they love. Well, that is the being spoken of as Ishmael, his hand against every man and every man’s hand against his.

The economic war is just as great, in fact more so, than the war. When people are impoverished by the greed of others, not just one person suffers, many do. First of all, they are embarrassed, they are lowered into extreme poverty and so to again another euphemism instead of calling it poor, no, he is underprivileged. So we take all these words and dress up the so hard, hard statements where if we use them, we’ll see exactly what the man is. He is poor – he has nothing. No, he’s underprivileged. Well, a person can be underprivileged and still not be poor yet they don’t say that.

I tell you, the conflict is on. It was all foreseen. “You will die like men and fall like one man, oh princes.” It was not because you and I did anything that was wrong for this is God’s plan and we agreed to dream in concert, to fall into these states and then come out of these states having experienced them. “So I do not consider either the just or the wicked to be in a supreme state, yet to be every one of them states of the sleep the soul may fall into in its deadly dreams of good and evil, as it leaves paradise following the serpent.

When he falls into these states he falls into something that is either lovely or unlovely. Those who find themselves in a comfortable state, they think they earned it because of some past. No they haven’t earned anything – these are only states. Today, money – my father always had a statement, “Money doesn’t care who owns it.” So don’t let anyone tell you because a man is rich that they are in any way superior.

If most who have money would just go back a generation or so, they wouldn’t want to write about it – not its origin. They’ll brag about the fruit of the tree yet not how the tree came into being. So let no one brag about it.

You can be anything you want to be if you know this law. They are all states. How would I feel if it were true? Then try to feel what you would feel if it were true. Then look into my mind for confirmation of that assumption, and see my friends congratulating me. See my friends empathize with me. They actually are so rejoicing with me that I know they are seeing what I am seeing. Now let me make the habit of this way of thinking and so when I go to bed, feel this state. When I wake tomorrow and everything denies it, feel that state. The state felt to which I return constantly becomes my home and that home objectified itself and crystallizes in my world.

Yet never forget the Vision, Keep the Divine Vision in time of trouble. The Divine Vision in the story of Jesus Christ He is the pattern. So no matter what happens to you, always keep the Divine Vision in time of trouble. You have seen it in words and one day you will experience it.

You’ve heard it. I have told you exactly what happened to me and I am not alone. In this audience there are others who have experienced it and many others are on the verge of it. May I tell you, I’m thrilled beyond measure. I’m waiting eagerly for anyone at any time, or many, to tell me, call me up, write me, “I’ve had the birth.”

Because I know on the heels of that, only nine months and the three major ones are over. And then two years nine months later, what’s that – what’s two years and nine months waiting to complete the 42 months of revelation, or the times, time and 1/2 a time, or the 1260 days. This is the measurement between the birth and its completeness when the dove descends.

So I cannot give you anything comparable to this. If tonight you inherited by the use of the law a million dollars, a billion dollars, how could it compare to departure from the world into which you have fallen and go back enriched because no one is going back poor. Everyone is going back enriched because we are the gods.

We came down for a purpose. Everyone who returns by way of Christ – and there is no other way yet by the way of Christ – goes right back into the one body, the one spirit, the one Lord, the one God and father of it all. There is rejoicing in heaven because one has returned and they are coming up one after the other.

So you will have it, and you’ll tell others to encourage them to hold onto the vision and keep the faith to the very end. And then all will eventually return. When all these masks are off, the white mask, pink mask, black mask we were never the masks we wore. We were the gods we were before the fall and we are still the Gods that we were, only enhanced by reason of experience of the fall, for we came down into death and conquered death. Died like men yes. Yet still overcame death.

Now let us go into the silence.

… other than to assume you don’t need the aid of any being in this world. The power within you can do it all. It is Christ. Assume the most noble concept of yourself that you are honored in this world – a nice feeling. Not among men by putting funny little things on you, yet to feel honored. You feel dignified. No matter where you go you feel welcome – that no closed doors regardless of the present limitations, there aren’t any closed doors.

And you feel and walk this way. Then may I tell you doors will open — all over. So no chip on your shoulder, no battles to fight, you know who you are! You are God. You don’t have to go on the street and scream, “I am God” yet you know it! That is far greater than talking it and trying to persuade others that you are and they are not, because there is no one who is not’ God. Every child born of woman is that one descending from the divine society. Everyone! And that one by one way and one way only is going to return after his journey is over.

Are there any questions please?

Q: I don’t understand why when a child is born here in this material world it sometimes, at the age of 2 or 3 or 4 leaves.

A: Sir, departure from this world is not death. It is a lesson for those that are left behind. The individual who departs from this world finds himself instantly restored in a body, same as before, yet new.

Unaccountably new in a world just like this yet terrestrial world, and he is in an environment best suited for the work to be done in him. That work is the unfolding of this pattern man. His entrance here could be for the most fantastic lesson for the parent. I have in New York City two darlings. They met in my meeting on a blind date. She had just enough to go to Paris and he hadn’t yet been to Paris at the time.

She said, “Neville, it seems insane. All I have is a quickie, one week and I have to live in a very modest little place, yet I’ve longed to go to Paris. I know no one there. Do you think I’m foolish?” I said, “No. As far as I’m concerned, do anything your heart desires.” So she bought her little round trip ticket to Paris. The second night she was there she went out on a blind date and met the man.

He was already married five times, no offspring and divorced each He was fabulously wealthy and an awfully nice chap, many years her senior. She was a girl, beautiful girl, a model out there in her early 30’s and he was a man on in years. Not by his standards as he always felt himself 20 – and still does at 77. “Yet they were blessed with a little boy, little Larry and 2 years later blessed with a second and they named him after me, Neville.

Well, Larry was killed two weeks ago last Saturday in London. He was in college, first year. They got a cable saying that he had had a fatal car accident. Now he has all the money in the world. He plotted everything for Larry. Now this is a lesson for Joseph and Louise. They’ll learn it. That money isn’t everything. They tried to cushion him against everything in this world by setting up trust funds, this, that and the other.

Now it is a lesson for Joseph to learn at the age of 77 for they can’t bring him back. Yet Larry is alive. Larry is not dead. Larry is restored to life. He is not mangled as he was in this sudden death in the auto accident. Not a thing is missing. He is a restored youth, a beautiful youth just as he was when he was here at the age of 17. He was an unusually handsome fellow, a little taller than I am and evidence of growing even taller than that. He was a perfect darling. All right.

So he is gone. He doesn’t need their cushion of dollars and cents. Yet they needed a lesson of the loss. And so they cry out, as you have it in scripture, “Oh Absalom, my son, my son. Would that I had died instead of thee.” So he had to learn a lesson in the death of his son.

So we will find in the end that mercy, infinite mercy did it all. Doesn’t seem right, yet I tell you God is infinitely merciful and we are the gods. You wouldn’t think it when you see man’s inhumanity to man. Yet he still is, infinitely merciful. Yet I tell you, you are the gods spoken of in the 82nd Psalm, which scholars claim is the most difficult Psalm of the 150, and the idea, said this great scholar Thomas Cheyne, who was the editor in charge of the Encyclopaedia Biblica.

He took these ancient manuscripts and he was the editor in charge – the volume is that thick – today it is out in four volumes, each still that big – and is considered the most scholarly of high biblical criticism. He said that the ideas in this psalm might have been for anyone, yet their meaning has long been lost to us.

We have no understanding really because he can’t conceive that God and gods – and that God is saying to the gods that “you are sons of the most high, nevertheless you will die like men and fall as one man, oh princes.” Then comes the fall – one man containing all men, then the return to that divine bliss, yet beyond the wildest dream of anything known here.

For you can’t conceive of what you have shut out in coming here. We are all suffering from total amnesia. Then when you return, you return to the glory that was yours before the world was. Yet you bring back the glory of the experience of conquering death. For the Gods can’t die, so they had to actually enter into a state where they die like men and still they can’t die; therefore they have overcome death.

Then the creative power of God is increased by reason of all of us going back bringing out talent that we have exercised and increased. Came down with our talent, we go back with our talent multiplied and the power of God is enhanced that much. And all are only one God. There is only one God, “Hear, oh Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is One.” There is no greater confession of faith than that. The minute you start other gods – put any man up as some important person, you are making another God. And don’t – “Hear, oh Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One”. There is no other. That is our greatest confession – the Shemmah.

Now the time is up – until Friday. Thank you! Now let us go into silence.


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