Letters, Words, and Order

 It's the very same with Languages ; he who hits upon that verity of Letters, Words, and Order in expressing himself, can never fall below his thought, he speaks always with congruity to his Conception ; and it is because you are ignorant of this perfect Idiom, that you are at a stand, not knowing the Order, nor the Words, which might explain what you imagine. I told him that the first Man of our World, had undoubtedly made use of that Language, be cause the several Names which he gave to several things, declared their Essence. He interrupted me, and went on. It is not absolutely necessary, for expressing all the mind conceives, without it we cannot be understood of all. Seeing this Idiom is the Instinct or Voice of Nature ; it ought to be intelligible to all that live under the Jurisdiction of Nature: And therefore if you understood it, you might Communicate all your thoughts to Beasts, and the Beasts theirs to you ; because it is the very Language of Nature.

Be no more surprised, then, at the facility wherewith you understand the meaning of a Language, which never founded be fore in your Ear. When I speak, your Soul finds in every Word of mine , that Truth which it gropes after ; and though her Reason understand it not, yet she has Nature with her that cannot fail to under stand it.

I employ all the faculties of my Soul, to raise my Imagination towards that which attracted me


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