solving you puzzle


knock knock open up your eyes

who is it that I see waking me up from sleep

art baby blue is me and what do you mean for a door to be asleep

oh my sight is hurtful indeed for being only a door to you

yet how many doors talks amore and determines your walking inside

a riddler I see another enigma for me

a dream it seems to bring forth you I mean

I dance I do I sing love you will you be and open my view

a comic a dancer a singer is you yet what is the word for opening up to you

pretty please abracadabra open sesame

ha ha you jest as I laugh rumbling my chest

well rumble you like as I bumble along as I got more doors to brings smiles fore

playing is me and acting to be entertaining my state and vision for thee

I look upon opening imagination in one combing your hair from behind as I enter on through

for going my merry way and solving you puzzle


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