To operate a corporation.

To operate a corporation.

Create a corporation with 5 businesses, focus each business on earning $320 per day, the corporation netting $1600 per day. After hitting $1600 per day, begin buying cash businesses that will net $10,000 per day.

No I am not talking mlm however lucrative. Businesses; Trucking, Storage and Recycling, Insurance, Internet, and Software. I have experience in all. Experience being earned money in each. If you can do something once, everyone knows you can do it again smarter and faster.

I have been thinking, writing, planning, experimenting with various monetary platforms. Scientifically speaking, business platforms are my study. There comes a moment, a paradigm switch whereby the fundamental monetary concerns are derided. Its at this point, the human focuses on the daily tasks to bring manifestation. Yes my daily mental schedule is paying dividends as goals are being broken into tasks.

Hello TARP money, hedge money, philanthropic money, venture money. I appreciate the idea of providing jobs, doing a great service, and improving. I have created a lot of opportunities for others and am living a great life. I want more. I want to see the corporation expressed physically.

A paradigm shift as my lifestyle changes, as I will be living in a penthouse observing the King and Queen, driving an Audi RS6 to and fro, and building a legacy for family.

$3.3m would create $20m in value 10 years. Value not just money earned, by education, lessons, experience, joy, love, and passion. To wake up each day, you and your soldiers playing for perfection, adventure, and joy.



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