wisdom waiting superfluous folly
these great tears grace remembrance
those I shed for thy
what was he like
I forgot him imagination
carries no favor into yet mind
I am undone no living none
if mine be away it were all one
that I should love bright particular star
thinkingly wed it
he is so above me
his bright radiance collateral light
must I be comforted not in his sphere
ambitioning my love
kind that would be mated by lion
must die for love twas pretty thought a play
see him every hour sit draw
his arched brows hawkeying eyes his curls
our hearts capable
every line trick his sweet favor
now he is gone yet my idolatrous fancy
must sanctify his relics who comes here
one that goes with him I love him for his sake
yet I know him a notorious liar
think him a great way fool solely a coward
yet these fixed angels sit so fit in him
that they take place when virtues steely bones
look up I cold winding full oft we thrust
wisdom waiting superfluous folly
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