Cluster rounding artly be eye

Cluster rounding artly be eye

filling clouds darkness waters

rolling perplex laboring untethering

wording articulate bursting thunder

roll roar on top mountains

from depth dark solitude 

eternal abode holiness

hidden set counseling you

reserving for days futuring

I thought joy without pain

solid fluctuating

why will you grow  O eternals

why live unquenchable burnings

first lite fire consume

in wording seep world drinking

a loving immense wild dark deep

where love naturing wide womb

self balance stretch over void

alone every eye winding beautiful forward air

bound condensing torrents

falling  fall  rising all strong I repelling

vast waving arose waters

wide world solid Lobstruction

heir looking forming alchemically metals

scribing secreting wisdom

secrets dark contemplating

fighting double conflict state

terrible idea sin bring

bosom removing for sun

seven lovely ideaing soul

Lo unfolding darkness

this rock place strong handing book

eternal brass scribe solitude adventuring perfecting kindle

lawing for peace love unity

Fuck pity giving compassion forgiving

let each choose one habitation for present

 ancient infinite spiritually ideal

one command joy siring sing

no curse one weight on measure

one king one god one law more love

voice speaking hearing I laughing

emerging from darkness hand

rocking eternity unclasping

look brass raging seize thy strong

raising fury intense spirenating

 cataracts firing watering blood Roses

whirlwinding sulphurous smoke

enormous forming energy

creating mind being boldering better for word open imaging

thinking joying timely mental view


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