A Picture Unto Me


Here is a picture of me for you,

Knowing this is a virgin view,

From my mind to you,

It is pretty looking walking through. 

Yet the idea at hand is the sight above,

For being a creation unto your own, 

I still question the seed, who created thou,

Yet seeing is believing more confidence now. 

To you my loving angels and high spirits,

May you be as protected as thee, 

Yet you are for being Star radiating light onto me. 

Where do ideas and picture like these birth from,

Ideally I could say from me,

Since it just my eyes and mind.

Gratefully it is and so happy to be,

The one God creating and picturing as He seeing me. 

Here is my picture of me for you,

A virgin view, pure and true.

From my mind to you,

It is pretty though, thinking anew.

The sight above turning the key,

Opening a creation inspiring my divinity.

Yet still, I ponder, who sows my seeds?

Belief grows stronger; I imagine what I need.

To my loving angels, spirits so high,

Guarded as stars radiating the sky.

Shining your light, you gift me peace,

A celestial bond, a mental release.

Where do these ideas and pictures begin?

Born from the sparks, the stirrings within.

Ideally, I say they flow from me,

Through my eyes, my mind, eternally free.

Grateful I am, happy to see,

God’s hand in the art He’s crafting in me.


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