Seventy Times Seven


Do you hear the whisper in the air, 

Calling you there to come over here. 

This is the sounding ovulating mind.

Can you see my impression in picture,

Look close yet do stare,

Come be absorbed in the fire being the glare. 

I invested a dollar in a man. 

I imagined the man successful, abundant, happy, and you. 

Seventy times seven I did it, and do it again. 

Here it is just me inside my mind. 

I imagine I give the beggar man a dollar.

Investing in you, I imagine for you.

Successful, dressed well, happy and shouting all about true,

Bringing smiles to all and giving forward to those around.

 Seventy times seven I think it, and thinking it again.

Do you hear the whispering air,

Calling you there to come hear?

Knocking is the sounding ovulating kind,

A thought being born, birthing mind.

Can you see my impression in picture?

Look close, yet do stare,

Be absorbed in the fire,

Becoming the glare.

I am investing a dollar in a man,

Imagining him abundant, happy, a living God plan.

Seventy times seven, I did it, and do it again,

Casting seeds in thought to ascend.

Here I am me inside my mind,

Seeing the beggar, I invest my time.

I imagine for him a world renewed,

Successful, joyous, and a loving him hue.

Dressed well, dancing all about,

Spreading smiles to those who shout.

Seventy times seven, I think it through,

Creating worlds for him, for you.

This is the art of believing within,

To see the spark, let it begin.

From thought to action, the story sales,

A dollar, a dream, the fortune tells.


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