Seeding Love Come Air


The world is made for stories, 

This is my overcoming feeling for art thou stories mined.

It seems to be, I for me, one should create ideas for thee,

To bring joy and taste. 

Including yet beyond my picture view present,

Yes a little wild and crazy out there,

Yet all in control hear. 

I see myself looking out into the sea

Knowing I brought this picture of me.

The music plays a sweet lullaby as I thank God for his eye. 

Just before I fly, I go tickle my guy, knowing who He has you being,

Around the world the Earth the moon and Sun,

Planting seeds of love in to air before, after, and surrounding me. 

The world is made for stories mine,

Each one coined from the myths of thine.

Overcoming feelings for artful view,

Creating ideas meant for me and you.

Bringing joy, taste, and something more,

Beyond the picture, dreams in the opened door.

A little wild, a spark of play,

Yet steady in control today.

I see myself blazing out to sea,

Knowing this picture is born of me.

Music plays, a sweet lullaby,

Thanking God for His watchful eye.

Before I fly, I tickle my guy,

Grateful for His loving why,

Around the world, Earth, moon, and Sun,

Planting seeds of love for everyone.

Before, after, in air, surroundingly,

My garden of dreams blooming success for thee,

By all means to me.


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