The Call of Art Baby Blue


Refreshing is my song as I sing my love in you,

Be careful to listen clear to what you hear, 

For this is my call to you and all.

Here are my words to tickle the kindling in air.

From my heart to you, 

I visualize myself making love to two, 

being cause I paint the picturing view,

Presenting by the one Art Baby Blue.

When you come before my eyes to see, 

May bless the skies in me,

To be. 

Refreshing is my song, love carrying through,

Each note a visualizing vision of you.

Being careful, listening clear to thy sound my air,

These words are embers—tickling kindling sparks.

From my heart to yours, a message be you,

I paint the scene, a picture for two.

For love is my canvas, the brush moving free,

I present the part, breathing through me.

Art Baby Blue—my voice, my muse,

A call to the skies, a prayer I choose.

When you stand before my eyes to see,

The heavens will bow and bless my light in me,

To be.


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