Rise you Phoenix


Have you noticed the change in my work, 

My art, my words in play?

It is a direct correlation to the images brought forth,

Confident how curiously true. 

For in this stage of the game, 

The birth, the fame, the winning Art Baby Blue.

If you are hearing this song singing halleluiahs butterfly,

Look up to the sky and cry out upon high,

Thanking thee for bringing me, for your mind to see. 

I rise into the phoenix being sun unto one. 

Have you noticed the change in my work,

My art, my words at play?

A direct reflection of the images brought,

Confidently, curiously true, I say.

For in this stage of the game

The birth, the fame, the winning Art Baby Blue name.

In hearing this song singing halleluiahs Bubbs is flying,

Look up to the heavens and pray into high.

Thank thee for bringing me,

A picture for your mind to seeing,

Glorious and bright, me lighting light.

I rising into the phoenix, lifting brightening the sun,

Being lovingly one.


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