Harvesting in Mind


Do I see the harvest in you?

Could you look into my eyes and smile?

Would you think a thought about loving me?

Did these ideas come from you or mind?

Let's make the thinking matter?

I think we just did.

You being mind come these ideas.

I speak my thought thinking loving you.

In my eyes mirrors me kissing your smile.

If the harvesting being Art Baby Blue, Yes pretty you, I do

Do I see the harvest in you?

Eyes meet eyes, a smile breaking through.

Would you think a thought about loving me,

My spark, my seed, my blooming being?

Did these ideas come from you or mine,

Let’s make the thinking matter,

You, being mind, birthing these ideas,

Attracting a wording solving challenges.

I speak my thought, thinking loving you,

In mirroring's feelings essence vibrating success in the best.

If the harvest be blooming is Art Baby Blue,

Yes, pretty who, I see you, too.

And I love some me you. 


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