
Showing posts from January, 2025

The Rhythm of the Sky

  I touching the sky through my inner eye, Reaching out and up lifting fire into air spark light, Burning bright for years where my Fathers says done.   Thank you for to day and me being the star in my say. Being in heaven inheaving breath, ex heaving all the rest.  There is my wholistic view for where I dwell,  Above the smiling bell. Hearing the winds request for me to vibrate the best. From the calm comes the roaring sound all around, The beat swelling surging to crest, My frequency high artfully rhythmically literally  lovingly lyrical. My inner eye presents a view, Reaching out, lifting fire into you, Sparks ignite, light burning bright, A time to shine where my Father knows whose one. Thank you for today, for the star in my say, Heaven inheaving breath, exheaving all the rest. This is my whole, my space, me on top making love on the crest, Above the ringing bell that sings dancing I am best. The wind calls me, a voice in tune, there best bloo...

Nearer Than Near

  As one who sees me into viewing the world,  Being certain I am play full to say.   Singing my song dancing all the way.  The joy of being in my sea is always a pretty view,  For if I could choose and do, I choose a beautiful you.  Yet to be clear I am further to there,  Closer than near for me to appear, lovingly. Which I am. As one viewing me into the world, A picture painting, a vision bringing lightning. Being certain, I am play full to say, Singing my song, dancing all the way. Yet what does that mean to be,  The joy of being in my sea, Reflects a view so beautifully me. For if I could choose and do, I choose a beautiful smiling loving me fucking you. Yet to be clear, I am further to there, Closer than a whisper in the air, Blink than near for me to appear, Lovingly, which I am—right here.

Crowned in Vision

  Show me how good my life could be, Beyond what is already presently.  For me being given the title King,  From the atoms the birds and the bees.  I stand in wonder picturing how I want my year,  Five, ten, fifteen, thirty out there. Knowing when I see a bird fly above or by,  Thats my environment and all things in my eye. I am proud of you and me,  And who you are willing the future your being.  For assisting the sky given the question about I.  Hear my picture painted before thy.  An opening seeing enjoying world view,  My eyes being present to air.  For milling making mental beautifully impressing impressions.  And pretending I am greatest scriber too.  Show me how good my life could be, Beyond what’s already shining presently. For I have been given the title of King, From atoms to birds to the bees that sing. I stand in wonder, eyes creating the years, Five, ten, fifteen, thirty stretching there. Knowing e...

To All The Girls Who Came Before Eye

  To all the girls who came before eye, I got you thinking, now we are synching,  Firstly hear my thank you for gracing my skies.  Being in my present position, scribing planting future thoughts. Please be certain, for whatever reason you are not by my side in form, you are in mind. Yet I have been wondering about you, and where my thoughts were in lieu. Thank you for playing your part in my play,  From you I am learning to bring better fruitful seeds. Like these words I am planting today.  For you to be beautiful, confident, dominant and loving, Being all who you are in I am.  To all the girls who came before eye, You graced my thoughts, you touched my sky. I got you thinking, we were synching, For our time, my hearts singing. Firstly, hear my thankful you, For being the light that lit art baby blue. In my present, scribing, harvesting future seeds, Each one inspiring by lessons you freed. Though not by my side in form, I live in my mind, keeping me war...

Retro-Future Serenade

  Retro forward thought concentrating on ideals,  Hearing words sung is a treat yet each song is watering,  What melody could I present for making my movies, The fame, accolades, the freedom to be, To create similar to this yet with more of a kiss.  Certain for new formations, My approach is fresher than refreshing fresh.  More about my experience - all future grow, By the time you come arrive, de ja vu.  Retro forward thought manifesting my ideals, Singing words currency, watering reels. My melody my craft my movement to you, The fame, the accolades, the freedom to view. Creating a win to this, and sweetening it with a kiss, Forming new shapes, a future of bliss. My approach fresher than fresh can express, To the rhythm of growth, my ultimate success. More about the journeying, all future to sow, Each note, each verse, a seed they grow. By the time you come,  De ja vu will bring a thoughtful chime, Living the future I pictured in rhyme.

Bridge to the Sun

  I put forth all my might into the presenting picture.  Created from my words inspiring thought.  What could you imagine its means to living life.  Are my dreams in vision what do you see is it nice, There is a bridge in heaven and a stairway to the Sun. What could you mean by the pun.  That you have been storying some fun.  Where lights grow you beyond loving one. I bring forth all my sight into presenting picture, Words carving light, inspiring thought’s full scripture. What do you imagine, its meaning to my life’s play? Are my dreams your vision, is it nice today? A bridge in heaven stretches far to you, A stairway from Son bathing golden view. What is the pun, the riddle I’ve spun? A story in joyce where love begun. Where flowers bloom and hearts take light, Beyond the one, into infinite night. What grows here is the seed of fun, A stairway leading us all to the Sun.

The Promising Way

  On top of this note I put my melody,  A stroke my art my mark.  A sound with a resounding resinew spark. It seems I am reaching the core into many worlds.  For I say singing be great fully you.  Willing all words of ideal mine to shine. For this act, I call all milling wanting to play, Just being certain only create making my day.  By this I means to say,  Talking you to the promising land, this way.  On top of this note, I sing my melody, A stroke, my art, my legacy. A sounding rippling, a sparking line, Reaching the core where all worlds align. For I singing, Be great, being gratefully you, Each word the light, the truth breaking through. Willing wills ideals, beaconing to shine, Crafting a reality, wholly mind. This act, this call, for all who dare, To playing in the visioning, beyond the where. Creating joy full, shaping the day, Leading the path to the promising way. By this rhythm, by this say, I bring you forth to where...

The Great I Am

  I revision myself and all personas, Into ideal characters  that occupy mind.  I invest until the images feel becoming,  Real for me to be proud of their being them,  As I am me. Meaning I am proud to be,  Yet to think is free willing imaginations skills.  Entering a thought has come to the presence, Of who I am becoming. For investing energy into crafting the perfect words.  The Great I am. I revision myself and to all personas, Hear read the script.  Refining each until they shine in mind's light. Ideal characters occupy my thoughts, Each crafted to be, each sculpted to see. I invest until their essence feels true, Becoming real, proud, as they are of me too. For in my being, love is seeded deep, Yet in thought, I am free to leap. Imagination, a boundless skill, Shaping presence of who I will. Each word invested, each letter a dividend, The Great I Am, this currency of mind, Manifesting creating a beautiful day. Crafting the p...

Who catches eye

  I add all ideal ideas to flow, For knowing what I know, And letting sums come grow.  One milli two, two milli three,  Three milli four now you know the score.   To be on this wave with thee, and playing for more.  Riding the ebb and woo woo, me. Catching your feelings balance, seeing coming into ends.  From the beginning t his is an idea I mold,  Into blessings come purifying gold. For my present choice chosen beside,  Happy to be the one who catching eye.    

Being far is sight

  Whatsoever things ye sire, when ye pray,  Believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them. I stretch my spirit to fulfill reaching surpassing mind,  Yes beyond the scope of being far is sight.  I have been putting all my thoughts in words to music.  Its an interesting spark yet I lean on ingroovement.  For both the art yet specific for the purposeful intent.  It is allowing me to see my words sung on stages around the globe.  For this new thought train on tracks seeding care and love in the air. Am I to feel a stadium full of fans listening clapping hands.  I do see and hearing it true.  Whatsoever things ye sire, when ye pray, Believe that ye receive them and they come your way. I stretch my spirit, reaching beyond mind, Surpassing the edges of space and time. Each thought I’m sowing in melody and word, A spark igniting, my voice now heard. Leaning into the groove of creation's flow, Artful yet purposeful, watching it grow. I h...

The Visionary I

  Hear me paint the picture of the successful I.  So you can help the words sing there songs about thy. Do will for telling thee my ventures across land sea. For being knowing and sowing literally love me.  A wording arrow shoots through music song, Carrying the wind bringing you along,  Begetting this instant dividends for ends.  Yet two all means for given all talents masterful wins.  To be me you see, is I dominate light, Bringing forth sight For who could be ideally more loving then thee Yet me being me enjoying thee.  Watch me paint my picture being successful I, Each seed, a melody, reaching touching the sky. For words singing my songs, their symphony clear, Guiding my ventures, drawing your ear. Across land and sea, Good love Black Button, An empire growing, architecturally, strategically knowing. My arrowing words, through musical flies, Carrying the wind, lifting you high. This moment returns investment earned, Dividends flowing econ...

The Round Trip

  All things of good kind for you,  In my drawing you air,  Straight lines appear revealing your hair, For the sight before thee, is mentally me. So perfection is found, and I circle it sound.  For being all things is my key to thee.  I fly the world all over to see,  Being certain that it is truly round to me. On this note may have your ear,  I am curious to know if you want to travel my dear.  For all things of good kind I send to you, In my drawing breath, the sky turns blue. Straight lines emerge, revealing your hair, A vision of you, crafted with care. The sight you see is mentally me, Perfection circled, beautifully. Being all things is the key I hold, Unlocking wonders, stories gold. I fly the world, exploring its bound, Certain and clear that it’s truly round. On this note, may I have your ear? A curious question—shall we travel, my dear? Across the sky, over land two sea, Together, creating our ecstasy. For in your smile, I...

My Art in Play

  To live in play and create the life we like to make.  Being and acting like the sea is over thee.  Calling my girls meant ideally specific for me.  Five arrows into line formed straight at you.  I present my art to spark the air before my view.  Enticing the oxygen to bring helium and hydrogen two.  Now that I have your ear  Let me tell you what I want in our play, The ideally perfect simple is wording this way.  How many moments could we share a sigh in our say.  Real living breathing and enjoying how we may.  To live in play, to craft a life my molds here, Every breath a spark, every thought ascere. Acting as the sea, forthwith and free, Calling forth my girls, specific, meant for me. Five arrows aligned, aimed true and through, My art points igniting air, painting my view. Enticing the elements, a cosmic blend, Helium, hydrogen—where our stories ascend. Now that I have your ear, Let me whisper my sires clear. In our ...

The Blooming Thought

  To visualize a flower bloom from seed.  That is todays task, planted before you ask.  What type of flower shall it be,  The ideal specific rose rising meant for me.  Mentally thinking, literally being,  Sowing growing above below is thy.  Into sky loving one, hugging Sun is I.  Is the goal and score.  From the core inward Earth, Outward Shine, radiating vibrating line, Into beautiful array brought for my mind.  To visualize a flower bloom from seed, A task of creation, fulfilling need. What type of flower shall grace the air? A rose, ideally, beyond compare. Planted before the question could rise, Its petals form, a gift loving skies. Mentally thinking, literally  meaning , A seminal act in my purpose fully  bein g. Above and below, thy roots take hold, Into the Sun, where stories are told. The goal, the score, the essence mine, Radiating outward, a luminous line. From Earth’s core to heaven’s crest, A bloom unf...

Into My Father's Arms

  Into my Fathers arms.  Is the only true answer to where I am going.  Feelingly believing that is the only place for me. Walking on water upon sea looking out to land.  Beyond the quiet and the peace I breathe, Wandering where God is taking thee.  To this thought bubbling up free in to air, Knowing that there is some one some where who cares.  Yet here I sit contemplating my wit.  Hopeful inner eye will open unto fit.  The ideal perfecting idea to be, To the one who thinking breathing thee. Thank you from your great I am me.  Into my Father’s arms I hide, The truest haven, where I confide. Believing aligns with the path I see, Walking on water, calm as can be. Above the sea, I gaze to shore, Beyond the peace, I seek for more. Wondering thoughts rising, bubbling free, Calling me softly, Who cares for thee? Here I sit, my reflection inspection, Hoping for wisdom and I connection. The ideal forms shape, a thought beget see, Perfecti...