The Bridge of Imagination


What is impossible to the imagining dream,

Brought to you by the mind of all means. 

For bridging a thought inside the seed being view,

Growing into the blooming budding fruitful you.

There is a part for you in my artful playing,

Wherefore your coming in to dance and prance, 

To literally enhance my stance, 

Inside outside the imaging possible dreaming glance. 

At the edge of thought, I take the first step,

The void before me, the dream has leapt.

What is impossible to the imagining dream,

Brought to you by the mind of all means.

Each word spoken, a stone takes face,

Building the bridge through the unknown space.

A path of light, blooming into view,

Seeded from thought, now blossoming through.

The bridge expands with each drawn line,

Threads of gold through the fabric of time.

For bridging a thought inside the seed being view,

Growing into the blooming, budding fruitful you.

Colors awaken, the stars align,

Imagination weaving a sign into time.

The air hums with the possible glance,

Inside, outside, a celestial dance.

With each step forward, a world takes place,

The echo of dreams shaping time and space.

What was unseen now breathes and stands,

Sculpted by will, shaped by hands.

Inside outside the imaging possible dreaming stance,

Reality bowing to the creator’s glance.

A world be born from the spark of the mind,

Bridging the dream into the seen and kind.


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