Pioneer of the Sky


To mold and visualize my picture through.

Looking to the sky for guiding me on my next to do. 

I am thinking each word I present to the day, 

Would wiggle, worm, and forage the way. 

To bring about the new frontier, 

Where I dwell being the great pioneer. 

For my Father from your Son, 

I am patient in obeyance dreaming one.

To mold, to shape, to dream anew,

My picture forming a path in view.

Eyes cast high where the heavens scene,

Guiding whispering stirring thy stream.

Each word a seed, it moves, it grows,

Wiggling forth where wisdom flows.

A frontier rises, vast and clear,

Where I stand tall, the great pioneer.

Father above, from your chosen Son,

Obeyance deep, the dreaming one.

Patient hands, a faithful heart,

Building creation, your divine spark.


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