The Round Trip


All things of good kind for you, 

In my drawing you air, 

Straight lines appear revealing your hair,

For the sight before thee, is mentally me.

So perfection is found, and I circle it sound. 

For being all things is my key to thee. 

I fly the world all over to see, 

Being certain that it is truly round to me.

On this note may have your ear, 

I am curious to know if you want to travel my dear. 

For all things of good kind I send to you,

In my drawing breath, the sky turns blue.

Straight lines emerge, revealing your hair,

A vision of you, crafted with care.

The sight you see is mentally me,

Perfection circled, beautifully.

Being all things is the key I hold,

Unlocking wonders, stories gold.

I fly the world, exploring its bound,

Certain and clear that it’s truly round.

On this note, may I have your ear?

A curious question—shall we travel, my dear?

Across the sky, over land two sea,

Together, creating our ecstasy.

For in your smile, I find persist,

Journeying inward, come kiss.


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