The Path Built for Me


I touched skin and the tasting of fruit. 

From my thoughts brought a pretty smile.

Now being certain than any other, 

I double down for a triple up. 

Perfecting the plan is the man I am.

Painting picture for my eyes to see.

Showing me rise sky high abundantly

Dominating the air and the wind surrounding thee.

For letting my words create the path built for me to be. 

I touching skin is tasting my fruit,

From this thought brought ideal more from the absolute.

Now being certain than any other,

I double down for a triple up cover.

Perfecting the man is the I am plan,

Painting pictures for my eyes to challenge the sea

Showing me rise sky high abundantly,

Dominating heir winning surrounding we.

For intending my words to imagine opening the path,

Built by my God for me to be,

Daringly bold, the victor I am told,

Of the light in the Sun which is me. 


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