Bridge to the Sun


I put forth all my might into the presenting picture. 

Created from my words inspiring thought. 

What could you imagine its means to living life. 

Are my dreams in vision what do you see is it nice,

There is a bridge in heaven and a stairway to the Sun.

What could you mean by the pun. 

That you have been storying some fun. 

Where lights grow you beyond loving one.

I bring forth all my sight into presenting picture,

Words carving light, inspiring thought’s full scripture.

What do you imagine, its meaning to my life’s play?

Are my dreams your vision, is it nice today?

A bridge in heaven stretches far to you,

A stairway from Son bathing golden view.

What is the pun, the riddle I’ve spun?

A story in joyce where love begun.

Where flowers bloom and hearts take light,

Beyond the one, into infinite night.

What grows here is the seed of fun,

A stairway leading us all to the Sun.


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