My Art in Play


To live in play and create the life we like to make. 

Being and acting like the sea is over thee. 

Calling my girls meant ideally specific for me. 

Five arrows into line formed straight at you. 

I present my art to spark the air before my view. 

Enticing the oxygen to bring helium and hydrogen two. 

Now that I have your ear 

Let me tell you what I want in our play,

The ideally perfect simple is wording this way. 

How many moments could we share a sigh in our say. 

Real living breathing and enjoying how we may. 

To live in play, to craft a life my molds here,

Every breath a spark, every thought ascere.

Acting as the sea, forthwith and free,

Calling forth my girls, specific, meant for me.

Five arrows aligned, aimed true and through,

My art points igniting air, painting my view.

Enticing the elements, a cosmic blend,

Helium, hydrogen—where our stories ascend.

Now that I have your ear,

Let me whisper my sires clear.

In our play, let simplicity reign,

My dancing words creating a new track for train.

How many moments could we share a sigh,

Living, breathing, beneath the open sky?

Real and raw, a melody we procreate,

Together, we sculpt my own perfect mates.



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