knowing we are closer now


my mom came down from heaven

to help me fly again

here you go son

bubsie my one

lift up your eyes a head

move those arms like you a butterfly 

swimming into and up to me

for the win and letting Yahweh see

how much you mean to thee

I talk to you more like you live next door

feeling comfort along the floor I slide

enjoying every word and moment we still share

knowing we are closer now than ever we a part

in the quiet whisper my hearts tender art

moments knit together never to depart

thy twilights embrace where dreams start

knowing we are closer now than ever we a part

through times gentle sway we find our chart

bound by loves symphony a masterpiece a counterpart 

in the dance of time we are intertwined

closer now our souls defined

through every trial every heartache

our bond grows strong it wont forsake

hand in hand we navigate

through stormy seas we elevate

our loves crescendo reaches high

though miles may stretch oceans divide

in spirit we are forever tied

for in this moment we impart

knowing we are closer now than ever we are apart

in the tapestry of fate we weave

bound by love we will never leave

for in each other we find our home

closer now no longer alone

my song I sing 

flapping art baby blue wings


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