Homage to thee, 0 Ra

 " Homage to thee, 0 Ra, at thy beauteous rising. Thou risest, thou shinest at the Dawn. The company of the Immortals praise thee at sunrise and at sunset, when, as thy morning boat meeteth thy evening boat with fair winds, thou sailest over the heights of heaven with a gladdened heart. 0 thou Only One, 0 thou Perfect One, 0 thou who art eternal, who art never weak, whom no power can abase, 0 thou splendour of the noon-day Sun, over the things which appertain to thy sphere none hath domination at all. And therefore I make homage to thee. All hail, Horus ! All hail, Tum ! All hail, Khephra ! Thou great Hawk, who by thy beauteous face make all men to rejoice, thou renewest thy youth, and dost set thyself in yesterday's place. 0 divine youth, self-created, self-anointed, thou art the Lord of Heaven and earth, and didst create beings celestial and beings terrestrial. 0 thou heir of eternity, everlasting Ruler, self-sustained, as thou risest thy gracious rays are upon all faces and abide in every heart. Live thou in me, and I in thee, 0 thou Golden Hawk of the Sun I "


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