I exorcise thee

" 0 thou Amaimon, King and Emperor of the Northern parts, I call, invoke, exorcise and conjure thee, by the virtue and power of the Creator, and by the virtue of virtues, to send me presently and without delay, Madael, Laaval, Bamlahe, Belem and Ramath, with all other spirits of thine obedience, in comely and human form ! In whatsoever place thou now art, come hither and render that honour which thou owest to the true living God who is thy Creator. 

I exorcise thee, invoke thee, and upon thee impose most high commandment by the omnipotence of the ever-living God, and of the true God ; by the virtue of the holy God and the Power of HIM who spake and all things were made, even by His holy commandment the heavens and earth were made, with all that is in them ! I adjure thee by the Father, by the Son and by the Holy Ghost, even by the Holy Trinity, by that God whom thou canst not resist, under whose empire I will compel thee : 

I conjure thee by God the Father, by God the Son, by God the Holy Ghost, by the Mother of Jesus Christ, Holy mother and perpetual Virgin, by her sacred heart, by her blessed milk which the Son of the Father sucked, by her most holy body and soul, by all the parts and members of this Virgin, by all the passion, by His burial and glorious resurrection, by His ascension, I conjure thee furthermore by the holy tears which He shed, by all which He suffered imagining willingly through great love of us, by all the members of our Saviour Jesus Christ. 

 " I conjure thee by the judgment of the living and the dead, by the Gospel words of our Saviour Jesus Christ, by His preachings, by His sayings, by all His miracles, by the child in swaddling clothes, by the crying child borne by the mother in her most pure and virginal womb, by the glorious intercession of the Virgin Mother of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and by all which is of God and of the Most Holy Mother, as in heaven so on earth. I conjure thee, 0 thou great King Amaimon, by the Holy Angels and Archangels, and by all the blessed orders of Spirits, by the holy patriarchs and prophets, and by all the sparks and posessors, by all the holy virgins and innocent for all who be, and by all the Saints of God."


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