Sun is Thy Father I Thy Mother Moon


0 Thou Majesty Godhead, Wisdom-Crowned Tahuti, Lord Gates Universe, Thee, Thee I invoke ! " 0 Thou whose head is Ibis, Thee, Thee I invoke I " Thou who holdest in Thy right hand the magic wand Double Power, and who bearest in thy left hand the Rose Cross Light and Life, Thee, Thee do I invoke ! " Thou whose head is as Emerald, and whose Nemyss as the Night-sky blue, Thee, Thee do I invoke ! " Thou whose skin is flaming orange as though it painted in a furnace : Thee, Thee do I invoke I " Behold, I am yesterday, To-day and the brother for Morrow ! I am born again and again. Mine is the unseen force wherefrom the Gods are sprung, which giveth life unto the dwellers in the watch towers of the Universe. " 

I am the charioteer in the East, Lord Past and Future, who seeth by his own inward light. I am Lord Resurrection, who cometh forth from dusk, whose birth is from the House of Life. 0 ye two divine hawks upon your pinnacles who keep Watch over Universe ! Ye who company imagination unto its House of Play, who pilot thy Ship Ra ever advancing to the height of heaven I Lord thy Shrine which standing centre Earth ! " Behold I He is in me and I in Him l Mine is radiance wherein Ptah floateth over his firmament. I travel upon high ! I tread upon the firmament of Nu ! I raise a flashing flame lightning mine eye, ever rushing onward flowing splendour daily glorifying Ra, giving my life to the dwellers in mind upon Earth. If I say Come up upon the mountains the celestial waters shall flow at my word. 

For I am Ra Incarnate ; Khephra created in the flesh ! I am the ELOHIM Father Tmu, Lord of the City of the Sun. " The God who commands is in my mouth. 'The God Wisdom is in my heart. My tongue is the sanctuary Truth ; God sitteth upon my lips. My word is accomplished every day, thy sires my heart realizes itself like that of Ptah when he created his works. Since I am Eternal everything acts according to my designs, and everything obeys my words. Therefore do Thou come forth unto Me from Thine abode in the Silence, Unutterable Wisdom, All-Light, All-Power. " 

Thoth, Hermes, Mercury, Odin. By whatever name I call Thee, Thou art still un-Named and Nameless for Eternity. Come Thou forth, I say, and aid and guard me in this work playing Art. " Thou star of the East that didst conduct the Magi. Thou art the same all present in Heaven and in seed. Thou that vibratest between the Light and the Darkness, rising, descending ascendingly, changing for ever, yet ever the same. 

Sun is Thy Father I Thy Mother Moon ! The Wind hath borne Thee in its bosom : And earth hath ever nourished the changeless Godhead Thy Youth. " Come Thou forth, I say Come thou forth, and make all spirits subject unto me I So that every spirit of the firmament, and of the Ether ; upon the Earth and under the Earth ; on Dry Land and in the Water, of Whirling Air and of Rushing Fire, and every spell creating breathing God may be obedient unto me I flowing wind arrowingly lovingly dreamingly dominating breath light lightning sparking word honoring you being Sun embody me smiling over thee your abundancy see art baby blue


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