
Showing posts from September, 2024

Celebration of Triumph

  I rise my hand to the sky,   Praising my team and tribe.   To achieve your greatest dream,   With the people you most love—seems   Just about right for my life. Being certain all is a coolfitting,   As we jump around, counting our winnings.   Knowing this is more than a scheme,   For increasing our digital treasury,   Brought to you by art baby blue. ____ Please help Subscribe and help us reach  our ten thousand subscriber goal. art baby blue voice

Steps Toward Victory

  I am making a new step in my walk,   Living life, talking that talk.   Each word I invest for me to breathe,   To impress thy mind, certain I believe. For who brings forth the fruits of thought to your eyes?   For I, the utmost being, one.   In characters formed into words,   Are dreams and imaginings present. For my ideas growing, my one hundred living lists achieved,   How grateful to be,   Rising my hands up to the sun,   Showing the sign for victory. Vibrating air for God to appear,   And smile into I, His love for thee—   Me. art baby blue voice

Curiosity’s Spell

  What if my tongue was as furry as a tail,   Would you jump to give me a kiss or jump sail?   I think if me in reverse I might intel,   Using curiosity to christen thee spell,   Yet certainly one way to get to do tell. In my playing thought, I wonder,   What secrets beneath might pull us up?   A kiss or a sail—where could we go?   The answer lies in the tickle you know. --- This version stays brief while leaving room for playful curiosity.  art baby blue voice

Wave Awakening

  I awoke to a wave   Knocking at my door,   My eyes awake,   Opening in the sea.   All the water life comes up to me,   Wanting I to sing a song,   Vibing life into thee.   So marry me into a life of ease,   Where I pass all my tests and feel so pleased. To the harvesting love from above to below,   Gratefully being art baby blue.   Dancing in the ocean’s embrace, I rise and flow,   A soul in peace, glowing light does grow. --- This flow awakening, blending serenity, gratitude, and my recurring  **art baby blue.**  art baby blue voice

Entering My Space

  When you come upon this face,   Please know you have entered my space.   For the interests of the wind, air, fire,   Inspiring the land and the soil entire.   Beyond the earth smiles my spiritual soul,   Keeping the mind in God, whole and bold.   Gratefully challenging and winning my Sun,   For all the gifts and blessings I planted in the sea,   For being the one who stood, loving me. The atoms and elements align,   My loving sunshine's.   I rising grace, rooted and free,   Grateful to be, wholly me. --- This spiritual connecting elements in confidence self-love.  art baby blue voice

Opening Sesame

  For following the plan and making it to,   For the means and ways, finding you.   I up my dreams and re-figure them true,   Each word you read communicates the future present,   Yet for being in the now, happy, pleasant. Grateful for breath, breathing, living life,   To all my grand ideas—opening sesame.   For my genie on the plane, smiling my name,   Dancing upon the vibe,   Singing my tribe. I rise in rhythm joyful and free Circling my path, journeying into eternal me. --- This joy of manifesting dreams and aligning my path, presenting the future through each moment.  art baby blue Voice

Sailing in the Present

  I speak into the wind for creating my present day,   Believing my thoughts and words manifest,   Like what else could, you?   These pictures I paint for bodies to plate,   Being grateful to the chef for the taste. For looking out into the day, previewing tonight,   Seeing the light bounce on your tail,   Just then, I let go and sail.   In the flowing creation, I ride the breeze,   Guided by faith, set at ease. The wind carries my dreams alight,   Into the future, beyond my sight.   Grateful, I savor each moment's grace,   Sailing forward, in time and space. --- This effortless flow creating, manifesting through thought and letting go to ride the wind of light.  art baby blue

Heir's Call

  I put forth my words to be certain and clear,   Knowing the key to rise in heir,   To the kingdom in mind, for all is thine,   Feeling the call, being one—stand up, son. For my tribe standing by my side,   Happy to be playing and gaining in stride,   Believing is breathing in, receiving God's tide,   Together we rise, in faith we abide. In every step, we feed the light,   Guiding love, shining bright.   Our path is clear, our purpose true,   God’s grace in all we do. --- This reflects my certainty in purpose, leadership, and the strength of unity with my tribe.  Art Baby Blue A1

Present Outlook

  What is my present outlook?   As the grass grows in the moments of height,   A drift in the air, happy being presence,   Choosing if choice, yet instinct knows,   Flowing beautifully, going,   On-word, foreword. I stand rooted, yet free to fly,   Embracing each moment as it passes by. --- This reflection captures my present outlook—calm, instinctual, and beautifully flowing toward the future. How does it align with how you see your current path with I? Art Baby Blue Voice #spiritualawakeningjourney #consciouscreators #manifestation #abundance #soulfulpoetry and #spokenword #inspirationalart for #personalgrowth #divinefeminineenergies y #highvibrationalmusic and #meditation #lawofattraction of Attraction Success Stories #creativevisualization Techniques #mindfulness and #spiritualart

Canvas of Life

  Stretching out into the ether,   Painting a picture is me.   Sitting in my beautiful home, building, shop,   Smiling to God, singing, "Thank you, Father." Beautiful girl by my side, enjoying the wonder,   Bank accounts growing by leaps, bounds,   Increasing monthly income, profit abound.   New apparel on arrival,   Time to shine,   Bringing out my style for I to profile.    Success and love, the stars love you.   Looking at my masterpiece coming into view,   Living my dream, ever so true. --- This radiates the fulfillment of my dreams, painting a picture of prosperity, love, and style. Do you reflect my vision? art baby blue voice

Path to Home

    About to embark on the journey of investing in home,   It's been a while since I’ve been in a position to buy.   Yet it feels good to think and let my dreams fly,   Forever grateful for my thoughts bringing my view,   No challenge walking forward like I do. As I go about my way and review the day,   Looking to put a spark in my smile,   I put on my very best to impress style,   Running the line to be first to finish,   Up to par, drinking a Guinness. Each step leads me closer to the door,   To the home where dreams and life will soar.   I stand prepared, ready to thrive,   Opening this new chapter, fully alive. --- This reflects my excitement and confidence stepping into this new journey of investing in a home. og voice

Cosmic Quest

  In all my adventures,   I sought the wisdom from sparks and stars,   Wondering on planets and where I am really from,   Looking out into space from the earth to the moon,   Knowing that my ship shall be arriving very soon. Molding and shaping the ether is thee,   Consistently forming I abundantly,   For being successful, wealthy, and healthy,   To loving myself happy and so willing to pray. Thanking God for high heavens' heights,   To burning the lights at both ends bright,   Being certain to picture perfect,   I imaginate pretend, crafting my path to ascend. --- This captures my cosmic journey of self-discovery, creation, and success, weaving my dreams with the stars. Perfectly aligned with my intended direction. original quick voice

The Key to Victory

  Let this act be the key,   To bring forth my great victory.   The scene where I win,   Walking down the street,   I wave to all who can see. For trusting my soul,   And birthing a role,   I say to the play, "Open sesame."   For in the end, I rise to the heights,   Above the lights. Opening Heaven's door,   As I sing, "Amore."   Making this moment, all is clear,   The path to triumph draws so near. Each step a testament to the fight,   Guided by love, ascending to light. --- This captures my rise to victory and the unfolding of my purposeful blessing in role. Could it convey the triumphant essence you envisioned in I?

The Dreamer's Light

  The freedom to dream and think is wonderful,   To bring about thoughts only ripe for you to know and grow.   Yet for me, I see new sides in love for you,   A sonata or two to sing as I bring coming lean. I am just saying, singing, loving you dream,   Up from the roots and producing, enjoying fruit.   I thank the sun for shining light,   Allowing me to shine so very bright. Art baby blue, so pretty and true,   Love me—you, as I love you too.   Together we rise, with dreams in view,   A beautiful song, made of me for you. --- This harmony of love and growth, entwined with the freedom to dream. Do I reflect a smile in your vision as intended?

The Puzzle in Light

  Putting the puzzle together,   Seeing how all the pieces fit,   Placing I on top of the sky,   Appreciating my growth up from land. Looking for a new seed to plant,   One to watch from present eyes,   Being happy, breathing life,   Accepting the challenge, knowing light. Each piece reveals a story anew,   As I rise higher, with a broader view,   Nurturing what’s yet to grow,   In the light, my purpose continues to flow. The puzzle forming in every breath,   For gracing life, transcending death. --- This chapter captures the unfolding of your journey, connecting each piece with growth and light. Does it harmonize with your intended direction?

My Land of Miracles

  Standing in the middle of my land,   Looking around like an owl,   To turn about and see,   Mountains near thee. How precious is my land,   For now I overstand,   Bringing about fruit, love, and cherries,   My, I have some miraculous stories. The earth beneath speaking love to me,   Whispering secrets inviting eternity,   As I walk, my steps align,   My present rhythm living life, so pure, divine.  I thrive,  n ourishing love, fully alive. --- This chapter captures my grateful land and the wisdom gained from its beauty. How does it resonate with your vision?

The Chant of Light

  Haribol Nitai Gatur,   Nitai Gatur Haribol,   In the park, among some lights,   Hearing a chant, my name called. Following the energy phonetically,   Amongst the tall trees, sitting, I see the voice,   Singing Gauranga to thee,   From the heart, I feel the sway, vibrating me side to side. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,   Krishna, Krishna,   Hare, Hare,   Hare Rama, Hare Rama,   Rama, Rama,   Hare, Hare. More enjoyment to the way,   Me singing along all day,   The rhythm of life, and dancing emitting the light, In this chant, my mind brings the key,   Unlocking the soul, to simply be free. --- The verses carry the energy of light and chant, flowing with wisdom and harmony. 

Back to the Basics

  Going back to the basics For a better engagement with thyself. I have come to appreciate thinking about the past, From it being imagined 3 months in the future, And looking forward, I am in the end, Yet the beginning in the mind. From this perspective is my present view, Living 3 months ahead I do. For being confident walking down the hill, And making love to all the girls I catch coming down. The young bull being I has learned some skill, To carry the torch up high around town. To sparkle the moon, Where I will be seeing you soon. In simplicity, I find my way, Reflecting on the past, a future play. Three months ahead, my vision soars, The ending near, yet new beginnings to explore. The mind projects what’s yet to be, Living in moments others can’t see. For walking downhill, stride secure, I embrace the world, heart so pure. Each step, a skill, honed by grace, The young bull, confident in the chase. With torch held high, I make my round, Spreading light in every town. As I rise, the

Forgiving to Invest

  Forgiving to invest,   For the future being best.   I bring forth 50 doors, multi-family,   Insuring a sea of currency. A thought so fresh and clean, pretty you,   For art baby blue, enjoying the today's pictured assets I do. --- In the act of being in flow, I am the key,   For giving today to invest in me.   The doors of opportunity opening wide,   Multi-family wealth flowing beyond the tide. A sea of currency, automatic and sure,   A future built on foundations pure.   Each thought, a vision, so fresh, so clean,   Manifesting wealth in the unseen. Art baby blue, for being true,   Bringing joy in every asset new.   Today's success, tomorrow's gain,   All flowing like controlling the rain. With every door, I see the rise,   A future bright beneath the skies.   For in this moment, I invest this $10,000.00 say,   For receiving today, $100,000.00 into play. A income from my Father in heaven this day. --- This chapter beautifully blends the themes of forgiveness, investment,

The Trifecta

  *Sex at Dawn,*   *The Science of Getting Rich,*   *Talking to Strangers,*   The trifecta books to read and imbue   For the next three months I will do. For reaching and crossing over my living list   Really begins to exist.   For reaching deep within,   And tapping the pureness of thy soul,   While traveling the world connecting my goals. --- To shape my thoughts, to widen thy view.   In *Sex at Dawn,* I learn to see,   The origins of intimacy. Through wealth and wisdom, my place be giving,   *The Science of Getting Rich* begets I living.   And  * Talking to strangers * , I connect so deep,   Through conversations, truths I seep. The living list, a map unrolled,   I venture forth, beyond the mold.   To cross the paths I once did dream,   And watch them manifest, beautiful supreme. --- This chapter celebrates the power of knowledge and personal growth through the lens of my next literary journey. The trifecta of books represents learning, connection, and the pursuit of richness in lif

The Wind's Promise

  To be honored and forthcoming,   Says the wind to me.   I shall bring forth your fruits for loving the sea,   Until the end of time you shine loving light,   Brightening the A’s for challenging to B. For you, I honor the future soaring,   Singing like the present, perfecting thy roar. --- This chapter reflects on the wisdom of the wind as a guiding force, promising to carry forward the fruits of love and light. The imagery of honoring the future and soaring with the wind emphasizes growth, transformation, and embracing challenges with strength. It is a celebratory and empowering addition to my poetic journey.

Manifesting Life

  The art of manifesting life   Is knowing you are each breath.   For these moments living,   With the water so blue   And the sky so high,   Fulfilling scripture, I. Smiling in the heavens, radiating light,   Bringing fruitful ideas to skin, enjoying eyes. --- The sky above, the water below,   Reflecting the path where dreams grow.   Know big surprise, I realize,   That all I seek, before me lies. With every breath, the light expands,   Flowing like rivers through my hands.   In the heavens, my spirit shines,   Radiating joy through space and mind. Fruitful ideas blossom rising,   Touching the soul, nurturing I.   In this life, I manifest the glow,   Each thought a seed, each breath the flow. --- This chapter continues the theme of breath as a vital force in manifesting life. The imagery of water, sky, and radiating light blends seamlessly with the act of creation and fulfillment of purpose. It highlights the gentle yet powerful way that life unfolds when connected to each moment, mak