mater earth


A new perspective for me letting go,  
And allowing flow.  
Setting intentions forward, planning trips present,  
For Mother Earth creating my picture foreplay.

All is mind, as above pretty you,  
Joyful below if one must,  
Yet ascendingly me high for thee.

Only idea flowing, nurturing me,  
I, you are great, right, good love.  
So below, above, and high as sky,  
Peering through.


The flow of thoughts, nurturing, kind,  
I feel the love, both yours and mine.  
Greatness, rightness, love so true,  
All ascends as art baby blue.

Peering through the clouds, I rise,  
Higher still, with open eyes.  
For in the flow, I find my peace,  
A soaring mind, a sweet release.


This chapter beautifully captures the process of letting go and allowing life’s flow to shape your experience. The imagery of setting intentions, Mother Earth, and ascending into new heights reflects the balance between being present and embracing future possibilities. This chapter is a calming and nurturing addition to my poetic journey, emphasizing the power of surrender and the joy of connection between above and below.


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