Crafting the Right Mind


Taking my time to craft the right mind,

Speaking into wind knowing its part of the act, 

Playing the role of a life time each beat of the heart,

Planting new seeds to bring better scenes,

Feeling the excitement in the jitters of the stomach,

Smiling, enjoying, and trusting, where I am going.

The only words I read are these, 

Believing what I think about I become,

So that mirror is clear, like my name, back and, fore ground, 

Living in my beautiful homes, traveling privately around globe, 

Grateful for the thriving business providing me this time, 

To mend and mold my mine, producing gold. 

Taking my time to craft the right mind,  

Speaking into the wind, knowing it's kind.  

Playing the role of a lifetime, heart in each beat,  

Planting new seeds, better scenes to meet.

Feeling the excitement, the jitters inside,  

Smiling, enjoying, trusting my stride.  

The only words I read are these,  

Believing what I think, I become what I please.

So the mirror is clear, like my name’s sound,  

Back and fore, reflecting the ground.  

Living in beautiful homes, traveling free,  

Privately around the globe, just being me.

Grateful for the business that thrives and grows,  

Providing me time where wisdom flows.  

Mending and molding, my mind pure gold,  

Producing a life, where my ideal dreams, I see,

experiencing them, me.


Self-mastery, intending, and building abundance for life.



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