Seeing Through the Sun


What do you see when you look at me?  
Do you see my smile or see right through thee?  
For me being me, the knew in the who,  
Standing upon the Sun, looking into you.

How wonderfully you stand upon all the land,  
Resurrecting the Christ like it is a thing.  
Honoring my Father for Him being king,  
And planting in me the winning being.


**Visual Expansion (Image Ideas):**

1. **Looking Through the Smile**  
   - **Image**: A close-up of a smiling face, with light shining through the person, symbolizing depth beyond appearances, the ability to see into one's true self.

2. **Standing Upon the Sun**  
   - **Image**: A figure standing on the radiant surface of the Sun, looking out into the distance, symbolizing enlightenment, vision, and the power of presence.

3. **Resurrecting the Christ**  
   - **Image**: A glowing figure emerging from the ground, arms raised toward the sky, symbolizing resurrection, rebirth, and the Christ-like energy of transformation.

4. **Honoring the Father**  
   - **Image**: A figure bowing before a radiant light in the sky, symbolizing devotion and honor toward the divine, while receiving a blessing of light.

5. **Planting the Winning Being**  
   - **Image**: A seed planted into the earth, glowing with light, growing into a figure, symbolizing the act of nurturing the soul and the certainty of victory.


The deeper connection between seeing, understanding, and embodying presence, honoring the light within and the source  creation.

art baby blue



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