You and Me


Knowing its just you and me,

As above, so below I believe prettily,

Seeing the sunshine on the clouds floating by,

A blue tinted baby forming from the spartan clouds hovering high,

Two birds, one flight, soaring through protecting you,

Upon the clouds, my moving pictures,

Interpreting, believing your allusion, one.

To sit, and preview my mentals play,

For you being one in thought thinking mind. 

Always winning , shining, enjoying dominating signs.

Knowing it's just you and me,  

As above, so below, I believe prettily.  

Seeing the sunshine on clouds floating by,  

A blue-tinted baby forms in the spartan sky.

Two birds, one flight, soaring through,  

Protecting you, as I always do.  

Upon the clouds, my moving pictures play,  

Interpreting your allusion, clear as day.

To sit and preview my mind’s grand show,  

For you, being one thinking thought’s waters flow.  

Always nurturing, loving, dominating kind,  

Enjoying creating the journey as our fate shine.



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