The Lady in the Light


There she stands upon the carpet of life,  
Dressed to the nines as shows her behind.  
For the grace and the lights, she stars,  
Bringing the smiles and charm by far.  

For the lady who chose me to buy the farm,  
I look in the mirror and see you,  
Looking forward as me, you.  
Filling in my visioning seed dream,  
Bringing life to breath for all mind being.  
Prince for a queen, I sing.


**Visual Expansion (Image Ideas):**

1. **The Lady on the Carpet**  
   - **Image**: A radiant woman standing on a grand, glowing carpet, lights shining down on her, representing grace, elegance, and charm.

2. **Reflection in the Mirror**  
   - **Image**: A figure looking into a mirror, yet instead of their own reflection, they see the woman who stands beside them in their dream, symbolizing unity and shared vision.

3. **Visioning Seed Dream**  
   - **Image**: A glowing seed in the figure's hand, which grows into an expansive tree or beautiful light, representing the growth of dreams and creative potential.

4. **Prince for a Queen**  
   - **Image**: A prince bowing before a queen in soft light, symbolizing love, partnership, and the powerful connection between two souls.


Reflecting the beauty in partnership, unity of vision, and the elegance of a shared dream. Let me know if you'd like to generate visuals for these ideas or explore this further!

art baby blue



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