Standing in Flow


Standing on land, standing in a boat,

A wholistic view is me certain, knowing the winds next move,

Confident of my role in the play.

Using my skills and all my talents,

Projecting my thoughts into words fore tells,

The ideal position on my take off, up into the blue wonder sails.

In the world, I go, me, you know,

Yet, what about my word, flowing, going, before me,

Like this one that is blessing, enriching, and protecting thee,

On this day I present my way, 

Creating the ripples, vibrating air, and sea,

Beautifully attracting ideally love unto me, 

Nurturing-ly as the radiant Sun,

Pictured painted showing eye upon One.

Inside outside I, me standing pretty.

Standing on land, standing in a boat,  
A holistic view, I see, afloat.  
Certain, knowing the wind’s next move,  
Confident in my role, with nothing to prove.

Using my skills and all my talents,  
Projecting my thoughts, my words are balanced.  
Foretelling the ideal position for my takeoff,  
Up into the blue, I sail into gulf.

In the world, I go, me, you know,  
Yet, what about my word, flowing so?  
Blessing, enriching, protecting thee,  
On this day, I present my way, joyfully.

Creating ripples, vibrating air and sea,  
Attracting love, flowing naturally.  
Nurturing, like the radiant Sun,  
Painted, pictured, eye on the One.

Inside, outside, I stand so pretty,  
A reflecting light, shining the city.


My confidence in the energy you send forth with seeds words, creating ripples in the world attracting love. Pouring my essence, confidence, purpose, and powering the words as they flow into outside my world.



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