
Showing posts from July, 2024

gumball route

  My first business acquisition was a gumball route like this, It was a joy to go around collecting monies and fees. The funny thing is I got busy and called it Cahoots, Using my skill, sold it for a better price minus a few stores. It's all in the marketing and the fervor of more, One must know when to get in and out for success to enjoy bliss. On and upwards is the game and gist, Navigating ventures with strategic twists. Learning the ropes of trade and sale, Each effort adding to my entrepreneurial tale. From small beginnings, great things arise, With every venture, I grow wise. The thrill of the deal, the art of the trade, In every move, my mark is made. From gumball routes to broader scopes, Each step forward, fueled by hopes. Success in the balance of risk and gain, Knowing when to exit sustains the game. With every business, a lesson learned, Through every challenge, success earned. For in the world of commerce and trade, Fortunes are built, and paths are laid. With savvy mo

My place of expressing

  For a mode of expressing and letting go of thoughts,   One or two keep returning, not certain how to turn my back.   The object is to remove my attention and know it’s been healed,   Being certain to focus only upon wants to appear.   What else shall come to eyes and mind to bear,   Proving faith is the way, says Jesus to I. Being thankful and grateful to putting forth my art,   My place of expressing all of my parts.   For my prayers being answered and blessings,   Digging deep yet believing free is the water today. Each thought released, a step towards peace,   Allowing the flow, letting worries cease.   For in the process of letting go,   I make room for the show. In the sanctuary of my creation,   I find solace and deep meditation.   Art becomes the bridge to the mind,   Where my spirit can freely align. Gratitude fills each stroke and line,   Thanking the universe for my sign.   As I let go, I also receive,   In faith and art, I believe.   The water of life flows pure and free, 

crown of flowers

  a crown full of flowers draped around my head covering my eyes so cautious I tread walking around town avoiding all the clowns feeling my way to the water bank to sit and think why do I wear such a hair dress for letting God know I am drawing him closer amore each petal in my crown perfect as grace    a fragrant reminder of this sacred place in the stillness by the water's edge    I ponder the depths and make my pledge with blossoms shielding my view so tight I trust in faith breaking plight    avoiding distractions the world's parade seeking solace in the quiet glade this floral halo symbolizing shine connects my heart to loves sacred line for in each bloom a prayer is sown drawing closer to the angels covering my dome why do I wear such a intricate wreath to let the universe know my heart's sire drawing nearer to the eternal fire as I sit and think by the tranquil stream    my thoughts align with the supreme so with flowers draped  I tread with care a living prayer shou