The Connection


How are we united to one another?
I guess it all matters whom we call mother.
The woman I was birthed from the womb,
Yet as I wonder, was I released from a tomb?

Into a land manufactured called Earth,
Where I choose my value and worth.
As if beads, paper, or coin added up equals more than thinking,
To appreciate the true currency breathing.

Yet I digress to dismiss the notion,
To increase the wind and challenge its motion.
For I believe there is more to my life,
So I cut ties to thoughts at shore.

Looking out above the stars,
Choosing the gate that is open and free,
For me enjoyingly created to fit thee,
Like a glove in hand of love.

United by purpose, by heart's entire,
In the grand scheme, we all aspire.
Connections deeper than what we see,
A shared humanity, a cosmic agree.

From mothers to brothers, to friends afar,
Each bond a reflection of who we are.
A family of souls in this boundless space,
Together, yet each on our own.

Connections beyond what words can teach,
For every soul has a purpose to speak.
Vibrating along, humming a harmonious song,
Singing on beat, I belong.


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