Searching for Home


I have been looking for my perfect house,
One that is an asset and increases in clout.
It's funny how thoughts come closer when one nears mature,
Yet this journey could be improved with the right guide.

An earlier start to know your part to play in the pride,
While thinking and breathing as one,
Opening up eyes, radiating sky, beaming Sun.
For in the quest for a place to call home,
The journey is just as important as where we roam.

Finding the right guide, a mentor's light,
To navigate the path, clear and bright.
With wisdom and insight to share,
Turning dreams into a reality rare.

For in each step, a lesson learned,
In every choice, a vision confirmed.
The perfect house, a symbol of growth,
Reflecting the journey, and fulfilling both.

As I search for this place of peace,
I find within myself, a quiet release.
Knowing that in the right time, I'll find,
A home that resonates with heart and mind.

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