A Dream with God


I had a wonderful dream this night,
It was about all the things going better than right.
I sat down with God who played out His plan,
For who I grow to be, me called as human.

Beyond the play and script, I danced and jollied a bit,
For who I am to be brings shivers all over thee.
By remembering my life up to this moment in light,
It seems my will is acting in reel.

In this dream, a vision clear,
Of future paths drawing near.
With God's guidance, I saw my fate,
A success in love, hope, and faith.

Each step a blessing, each moment a gift,
Lifting my spirit, giving my heart a lift.
For in this divine conversation, I found,
The purpose of life, so profound.

With every dance, every joyous leap,
I embraced the promises meant to keep.
By God's side, I felt so whole,
A dream that touched my very soul.

Reflecting on my life's grand design,
I woke with peace, knowing all will be fine.
For in the dream's glow, I understand,
My will aligns with God's loving hand.


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