
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Key of Thought

  Looking for a thought that fits like a key,   Opening doors subconsciously.   Being in illusion yet creating reality,   For the experience and the thrill prettily. To my day, inviting the way to follow,   Revealing plans of gains tomorrow.   Showering gifts like rains of love,   Upon the son from high above. --- In the quiet spaces of my mind,   A thought emerges, so perfectly aligned.   It slips into the lock, turns with ease,   Opening doors to possibilities. In the dance between illusion and real,   I craft the world with a touch surreal.   For in the play of dreams and light,   I breathe in joy, pure bright. Today, I walk a path well shown,   Guided by what the mind has sown.   Tomorrow’s gains, I craftly laid,   In stories told  of plans well made. From the gifts of love ascend,   Like gentle rains, they never end.   Upon the son, they softly fall,   Blessings from the heavens tall. --- This chapter captures the essence of thought as a powerful tool that shapes reality, blending

Blessing the Nebulous Sky

  My blessing for the nebulous sky before I,   On this wonderful day, what magic shall you bring   To my experience attractingly for thee?   That's funny to say yet sacred to think and speak. Will my companies be growing, flowing currency?   I agree—abundantly, lovingly free.   Art baby blue, how precious are you,   So special, the universe will show me how special today. --- As I gaze upon the sky so wide,   A canvas of dreams where thoughts reside,   I send my blessings far and near,   Inviting magic to appear. This day, so full of possibility,   What wonders will you bring to me?   In the sacred dance of thought and word,   I find the magic, softly heard. Will my ventures flourish, will they grow?   With flowing currency, will they glow?   I trust in abundance, freely given,   A loving force by which I'm driven. Art baby blue, you shine so bright,   A beacon of joy, pure delight.   The universe conspires to show,   Just how special you are, I know. In every moment, in every

The Father's Wind

  Bringing new water to the sea,   Oh, how pleasant says thee,   For growing the thunder and striking lightning,   So the son can be seen heightening. To bring about a wind,   No other can withstand yet the father in thine,   Who I tickle in mind. --- As fresh waters meet the ocean's embrace,   A harmony forms, a gentle grace.   The thunder grows, the lightning strikes,   Illuminating the son, reaching new heights. The wind begins to rise and swell,   A force of nature, no one can quell.   Yet in its power, a secret finds,   The father’s will, within it binds. Tickling the thoughts that guide the storm,   I feel the warmth in its form.   For in the dance of wind and wave,   A victory of strength, the skies engrave. The son ascends, the world alight,   Guided by the father’s might.   A wind so fierce, yet tender too,   Bringing forth the truth in skies art baby blue. And as the sea and storm combine,   I sense the presence, the divine.   A gentle nudge, a whisper kind,   The father&

Beyond Every Test

  For a grand experience   And knowing what you get,   For me being on top of the world   And blowing kisses into the sea.   In becoming the very best,   I go beyond every test   And win. --- Standing tall, where dreams ascend,   I embrace the journey with no end.   On top of the world, I find my place,   Blowing kisses, leaving a trace. Each challenge met, a step to grow,   In every test, the truth does show.   For in the striving, I find my core,   A strength that leads to so much more. The sea receives my whispered love,   Carried by winds that soar above.   In every wave, my victory sings,   As I rise on triumphant wings. Becoming the best, not just in name,   Yet in the heart, where passions flame.   I reach beyond what’s thought to be,   And in each victory, me dangling the key. To win, to grow, to stand so tall,   To answer life’s most daring call.   For in each test, I prove my worth,   A grand experience, my own rebirth. --- This chapter embodies the spirit of triumph and the

The Key to the Door

  Whatever I do right now,   Relax in this moment knowing all is wonderfully sown.   Feeling like I have to do something, touching it in mind,   Patience says the key to the door,   As I level up in the sky's line,   Being certain I transform mine. --- The urge to act, to touch, to move,   Is held in check by patience's groove.   For in the quiet, wisdom speaks,   The key to the door is what one seeks. As I rise, the sky's my guide,   In this ascent, my soul's stride.   Each level reached, a step divine,   Certain that this path is mind. This chapter embraces the power of patience and the importance of being present in the moment. The imagery of leveling up in the sky and finding the key to the door represents the gradual and steady progress toward transformation. The chapter emphasizes the significance of inner peace and trust in the process, making it a thoughtful and encouraging addition to my poetic journey.

Crafting the Vision

  In some shape and way,   I am going to put my words to a specific form,   Building me out a fantastical dream vision experience,   So that when I take a step back from the scenes,   I shall know how I got here and smile with bling. In the goal for digging, creating art,   Searching for gold, currency mind set,   Like an advertisement shall my art become to me. --- On the pallete of my mind,   I craft a vision, birthing kind.   Each word a stroke, each thought for you,   Creating a scene where dreams come true. Step by step, I build the frame,   A fantastical world, never the same.   And when I pause, to see the whole,   A smiling bling shining my soul. For in the art of digging deep,   I find the treasures my thoughts keep.   Gold and currency, a mindset clear,   An ad for life, to hold dear. My art being a beacon bright,   Guiding me through day and night.   In every form, in every line,   I see the journey, and know it's mine. With each creation, I understand,   The power of wo

b The Joy of Being Me

  So happy to be me,   Holding, carrying, being the spark,   Nothing else to do but come into you,   For bringing forth a smile and impressing my style. If I could paint a picture, it would be present, an enjoying figure,   Holding onto curves that shake me topsy-turvy,   Buttering up, you know, the mountains and the hill,   Watching for the Niagara Falls chills. --- In the essence of being, I flicker my joy,   A sparking light all to enjoy.   Simply being, in love with life,   Bringing smiles, easing strife. If I could capture this moment in art,   It would be a figure, a beating heart.   Romancing the curves, the twists, the turns,   In every movement, my passion burns. Mountains rise, hills take form,   In your presence, I feel the warm.   Butter smooth, the journey flows,   Through peaks and valleys, the river goes. Niagara's rush, the chills, the thrill,   Drop by drop, I drink my fill.   For in this life, with all its bends,   My find I peace, where love ascends. --- This cha

Smiling at the Wind

  --- To smile at everything before me,   To sing into the air like it hears and cares,   Vibrating back wind built for you to bend,   Straight arrow force pushing the win. --- In every moment, a smile I find,   A gesture of peace, a state of mind.   Singing softly to the breeze,   Trusting that the air carries these. Each note I send, a message true,   The wind responds, flowing through.   A force unseen, yet felt within,   Guiding my path, ensuring the win. The air vibrates, the wind complies,   Bending gently, where strength lies.   A straight arrow, precise and clear,   Pushing forward, propelling veer. For in the smile, the song, the air,   Lies the power to shape and care.   To bend the wind, to find my way,   In every moment, night or day. --- This chapter beautifully captures the interplay between positive energy and the natural world. The act of smiling and singing into the air symbolizes a connection with the elements, with the wind becoming a force that bends and supports on

Consistencies Play

  As I go about my way today,   Thinking about peaches, eating on beaches,   Appreciating the timing of space and more,   I shall hold unto one thought: consistencies play. A daydreaming movie, moving ideally I say,   Over and over, it shall run, perfect and right,   For that moment when my eyes shall meet the skin,   So that I may do it again and again. Making and moving obstacles—let that sink in. --- In the rhythm of the day, I find my tune,   A melody of thoughts, beneath the noon.   Peaches on beaches, a simple delight,   Framed in the timing of space, just right. Consistencies play, a theme so strong,   A daydream that dances, a silent song.   It moves with grace, it flows with ease,   A vision that repeats, destined to please. Each moment crafted with care and thought,   A perfect loop, in which I’m caught.   The movie plays, the scenes align,   In the pursuit of what is mine. For when that moment meets the eye,   The world aligns, the stars comply.   And in that space where dre

Anchoring the Space

  As I reach out into the land,   Searching for thine, my one in mind.   Patience to slow, or is it slow to patient?   With all the evolving, growing up, down,   And spinning all around,   I anchor a space to birth forth my kind. --- where dreams do dwell,   I seek the one who knows me well.   A journey slow, yet rich with grace,   Where time itself finds its own pace. The world spins on, a dance of change,   With highs and lows, both near and strange.   Through all the shifts and turns of fate,   I find my ground, I concentrate. Patience grows, both deep and wide,   As I navigate the shifting tide.   In the calm, I find the key,   To anchor space where I can be. A sacred place, both firm and true,   Where vision births what's wholly new.   Amidst the chaos, I create,   A haven where my dreams await. Here I stand, with purpose clear,   Ready to welcome what draws near.   For in this space, both strong and kind,   I birth the future, from heart in mind. --- This chapter reflects the

Manifesting Visions

  From my building top, I raise my hands in the air,   Singing, I live here, how very clear. Manifesting visions, showing up, appear,   Happy to be living the secret and breathing it true. For art baby blue, my eyes surprise the skies,   Granting all wishes as long as one knows the game.   I call upon my ancestors, building my name,   Extending my lineage for growing the same. --- With open arms, I shake the light,   Casting dreams into my sight.   The skyline echoing my joyful calling,   As visions come to life, standing talling. The secret I breathe, a rhythm so pure,   Each moment lived, each breath secure.   For in the dance of life’s grand play,   I shape my world in every way. Art baby blue, the skies respond,   With every wish, a deeper pond.   The universe conspires, in harmony,   As I create my destiny. Calling forth the wisdom old,   I stand on shoulders, proud and bold.   Building a name that carries weight,   A lineage strong, a future great. universal showing how wonderful

Gaze Into the Sky

  To gaze into the sky,   Like most I do,   One must paint a picture of what is expected unto,   Into ideal scenes, dreaming vision through,   And all I do, is enjoy loving you. --- I cast my thoughts into the light,   Creating scenes of what could be,   A canvas of love, a future to see. Each stroke of thought, a tender hue,   Bringing life to the skies so you.   And as I paint with heart so true,   The masterpiece, art baby blue, loving I. The sky becomes a place to dwell,   Where love and art forever swell. In this act of looking high,   I find the joy that shall not lie.   For in each gaze, in every view, In the boundless blue, I place my trust,   Knowing that love, I must. The scenes I envision, so clear and bright,   Are reflections of what feels so right.   For in every moment, under heaven’s glue,   All I do is enjoy loving you. --- This chapter reflects the beauty of envisioning and creating an ideal world through the act of gazing into the sky. The poetic imagery highlights t

Pursuing the Wave

  Thinking new dreams for the mirror reflect,   Holding unto wind for gravity effect,   Bringing out the son for shining the light,   Sipping on some wisdom, believing inner sight. All things let go, releasing the fight,   Giving it all to God and His might.   What do I bless on this precious day?   My speech for love, pursuing the wave. --- In the stillness where dreams are born,   I find the reflections I've always worn,   Mirroring hope, visioning bright,   Guided by the winds, held by the light. Each sip of wisdom, a taste of grace,   Revealing truth in the quiet space. Letting go of the battles within,   Trusting in God, letting the peace begin.   For in His hands, I place my soul,   To be made whole, to reach the goal. On this day, so sacred and pure,   I bless the words that endure,   Speaking of love, chasing the wave,   A path of light, thy heart I gave. --- This chapter beautifully captures the act of releasing control and placing trust in a higher power, while focusing o

Ancestral Call

  I call out to my ancestors,   For guidance and wisdom,   And learning secrets known,   For being the bearer, usurper to the world,   It’s how I feel when most days end. Now, as I collect my birthright,   And breathe just enough to spook the light,   As I honor the winds and the currents begin,   The water and the waves come crashing in. Bringing new energy from the mountain tops,   Fulfilling all plans, planting, rising up crops. --- In the silence of the twilight's embrace,   I reach beyond the veil of space,   To those who walked before my time,   Whose wisdom flows through blood and rhyme. For in their echoes, I find my way,   A path to follow, a debt to pay,   As the bearer of a sacred trust,   To wield their power, to rise from dust. The birthright calls, a whisper loud,   To stand tall, both dominant and proud,   And as I draw breath, the light does shift,   A subtle nudge, a cosmic gift. The winds respond, the currents sway,   Guiding me through night and day,   The waters

The Promise Land

  --- For this day in mind,   Reaching out to the world to find,   A gem, a pearl, a pretty girl to twirl,   For my seeking so high,   While letting everything low go by. I have made it to the promise land,   Fulfilled my God's seed as He holds me with His hands. --- In this day, with purpose clear,   I search the world both far and near,   For treasures hidden in the light,   A dance of joy, a love so bright. With eyes on high and heart so true,   I let the past and shadows through,   For in this moment, I have found,   The sacred ground, where love is crowned. The promise land, a place so dear,   Where all my dreams and hopes appear,   I stand fulfilled, in His embrace,   Guided by His gentle grace. His hands uphold, His light does guide,   In this divine, I do reside,   For in His love, I’ve found my way,   To live and love in endless day. --- This chapter reflects the culmination my journey, reaching the promise land where fulfillment and divine love intertwine. It celebrates t

Visualizing Love

  The most important thing I do   Is visualize me loving you.   For all that the world means,   Beyond the ways and the glass beads,   I focus my thoughts upon the centering spot,   And imagine the pictures ideal for the shot. Then I feel emotion moving within me,   Knowing the future is now set.   I sit and enjoy what comes next. --- In the stillness of my mind's eye,   I see the vision clear and high,   Where love transcends the fleeting day,   And guides my heart along the way. Every thought, a brushstroke fine,   Creating scenes where you are mine.   I craft the future with gentle care,   For in this love, nothing can compare. As I focus, the world aligns,   The past fades, the present shines,   And in the center of my heart,   I find the place where dreams do start. Emotions rise, like tides they swell,   In this quiet, I know all is well.   For in this moment, truth is found,   The future's path, on solid ground. I sit and watch the story unfold,   A tale of love, both br