The Key of Thought


Looking for a thought that fits like a key,  
Opening doors subconsciously.  
Being in illusion yet creating reality,  
For the experience and the thrill prettily.

To my day, inviting the way to follow,  
Revealing plans of gains tomorrow.  
Showering gifts like rains of love,  
Upon the son from high above.


In the quiet spaces of my mind,  
A thought emerges, so perfectly aligned.  
It slips into the lock, turns with ease,  
Opening doors to possibilities.

In the dance between illusion and real,  
I craft the world with a touch surreal.  
For in the play of dreams and light,  
I breathe in joy, pure bright.

Today, I walk a path well shown,  
Guided by what the mind has sown.  
Tomorrow’s gains, I craftly laid,  
In stories told of plans well made.

From the gifts of love ascend,  
Like gentle rains, they never end.  
Upon the son, they softly fall,  
Blessings from the heavens tall.


This chapter captures the essence of thought as a powerful tool that shapes reality, blending the line between illusion and creation. The imagery of keys, doors, and showers of love reflects the process of manifesting one’s desires and the joy of receiving the universe's blessings. This chapter adds a thoughtful and inspiring note to my poetic journey, celebrating the power of the mind and the beauty of divine gifts.


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