Beyond Every Test


For a grand experience  
And knowing what you get,  
For me being on top of the world  
And blowing kisses into the sea.  
In becoming the very best,  
I go beyond every test  
And win.


Standing tall, where dreams ascend,  
I embrace the journey with no end.  
On top of the world, I find my place,  
Blowing kisses, leaving a trace.

Each challenge met, a step to grow,  
In every test, the truth does show.  
For in the striving, I find my core,  
A strength that leads to so much more.

The sea receives my whispered love,  
Carried by winds that soar above.  
In every wave, my victory sings,  
As I rise on triumphant wings.

Becoming the best, not just in name,  
Yet in the heart, where passions flame.  
I reach beyond what’s thought to be,  
And in each victory, me dangling the key.

To win, to grow, to stand so tall,  
To answer life’s most daring call.  
For in each test, I prove my worth,  
A grand experience, my own rebirth.


This chapter embodies the spirit of triumph and the pursuit of excellence. The imagery of being on top of the world, blowing kisses into the sea, and surpassing every test reflects a journey of growth, termination, and ultimate victory. The chapter celebrates the joy of overcoming challenges and the sense of fulfillment that comes with realizing one's potential, making it a powerful and uplifting addition to my poetic journey.


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