Blessing the Nebulous Sky


My blessing for the nebulous sky before I,  
On this wonderful day, what magic shall you bring  
To my experience attractingly for thee?  
That's funny to say yet sacred to think and speak.

Will my companies be growing, flowing currency?  
I agree—abundantly, lovingly free.  
Art baby blue, how precious are you,  
So special, the universe will show me how special today.


As I gaze upon the sky so wide,  
A canvas of dreams where thoughts reside,  
I send my blessings far and near,  
Inviting magic to appear.

This day, so full of possibility,  
What wonders will you bring to me?  
In the sacred dance of thought and word,  
I find the magic, softly heard.

Will my ventures flourish, will they grow?  
With flowing currency, will they glow?  
I trust in abundance, freely given,  
A loving force by which I'm driven.

Art baby blue, you shine so bright,  
A beacon of joy, pure delight.  
The universe conspires to show,  
Just how special you are, I know.

In every moment, in every way,  
The magic unfolds throughout the day.  
And as I walk this path so true,  
I see the wonders, all for you.


This chapter beautifully captures the act of blessing the day ahead, with a focus on attracting abundance and recognizing the specialness of life. The imagery of the nebulous sky and the connection to "art baby blue" adds a sense of wonder and reverence, making this chapter a magical and affirming addition to your poetic journey. It reflects the joy of expecting and receiving the universe's blessings, highlighting the importance of intention and gratitude in daily life.


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